Date : 6/27/2018 11:12:03 AM
From : "Diamond User Committee"
To : "Asaf Pesach"
Subject : Diamond User Committee Nominations
Diamond Light Source

Diamond User Committee Nominations

Dear Colleague

The Diamond User Committee is a forum for discussion of matters relating to the operation and strategy of the Diamond Light Source. According to the Terms of Reference, membership of the DUC should be a 3 year term. Based on this, both Sam Chong (Engineering) and Tom Hase (Materials) have reached the end of their term, and we thank them for their contribution to the DUC over the last 3 years.

Following a reorganisation of our Science villages, we are now expanding the DUC from 13 to 16 members to align with these new groups. Please see the following pages on our website for further details.
A number of representatives are also due to leave after the next meeting in September, so we have quite a few positions to fill as follows:

Science Group Instruments No of new reps required Current representatives
MX VMXi, I03, I04, I04-1, I23, I24, XFEL-hub, MPL 1 Dr Ed Lowe* Dr Arnaud Basle
Soft Condensed Matter B21, B22, B23, I22 0 Dr Nick Brooks (Chair) Dr Tim Knowles
Spectroscopy B18, I18, I20-XAS, I20-EDE 1 Dr Gareth Law
Biological Cryo-imaging eBIC, B24, Cryo-Fluorescent microscopy 1 Dr Laura Spagnolo
Magnetic Materials I06, I10, I16, I21, B16 2 Dr Ed Lowe* Dr Arnaud Basle
Structures & Surfaces I05, B07, I07, I09 1 Dr Yvonne Grunder* Dr Andrew Thomas
Imaging & Microscopy I08, I13-1, I13-2, I14, I12, ePSIC 1 Dr Neil Telling
Crystallography I11, I15, I15-1, I19 1 Dr Amber Thompson* Prof Colin Pulham

* Due to leave after 25th Sept-18 meeting.

Please could you suggest nominations to sit on the committee, with confirmation that they are happy to stand for election:

  • Include their affiliation (e.g. Dept and University).
  • Indicate which beamline (s) they are principally associated with.
  • You may self-nominate with support from another User.

Nominees need to be current users of a beamline or have applied for beamtime at Diamond in the case of the more recently operational beamlines. We are looking to widen the interaction with our users and are seeking nominations who are not already members of the Peer Review Panels.

Please return nominations to by Friday 6th July.

For further information regarding current membership of the DUC, and documentation from previous meetings, please use the following link.

With thanks for your help.

Best Regards

Kathryn Poulter
Operations Programme Manager
Diamond Light Source Ltd.,


Dates for your diary - Diamond II user engagement workshops

We will be running a series of workshops to discuss the increase in capabilities that a wholesale machine upgrade could bring to Diamond. The workshops will be divided into science groups. Dates and locations are below. Further information and the opportunity to register to attend will be available on the Diamond website soon.

  • Crystallography – 3rd to 4th September 2018, at Diamond Light Source
  • MX and Soft Condensed Matter – 10th (11th TBC) September 2018, Oxfordshire (location TBC)
  • Magnetic Materials and Structures and Surfaces – 13th September 2018, at Milton Hill House, OX13 6AF
  • Biological Cryo-Imaging with Imaging and Microscopy, and Spectroscopy – 18th to 19th September 2018, at Diamond Light Source



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