Date : 11/9/2020 5:01:12 AM
From : "ORNL NScD User Office"
To :
Cc :
Subject : Reminder: Submit publication for ORNL Neutron Sciences Proposal IPTS-22622

This is a reminder to submit any publication resulting from your completed experiment IPTS-22622.1, "Characterization of the magnetic and crystallographic structures of the (Cr(1-x)Mn(x))2GaC MAX phases using neutron diffraction" to PuSH (Publications of SNS and HFIR),4,7::

All publications resulting from this experiment should acknowledge the facility (or facilities) with this required statement:

"This research [or, A portion of this research] used resources at the High Flux Isotope Reactor [and/or Spallation Neutron Source, as appropriate], a DOE Office of Science User Facility operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory."
In addition, users are asked to credit the instrument(s) used in the body of the paper.

If you have questions, please contact us at (or call 865-574-4600).


ORNL Neutron Sciences User Office