Date : 12/15/2022 1:24:20 PM
From : "Asaf Pesach"
To : "AVDEEV, Maxim"
Cc : "eladc"

Dear Max,

The samples are on their way. It should take one to two weeks to arrive at ANSTO.

The tracking number is


Best regards,


From: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2022 12:46:48 PM
To: Asaf Pesach
Cc: eladc

Dear Asaf,


Please address the package to:

M. Avdeev

New Illawarra Rd
Lucas Heights, NSW 2234
Tel +61 2 9717 9522


If you send the package by some courier service, if possible, please forward me the tracking number so that I know when to expect delivery.

And no problem, if it does not make it to Sydney in December, there will likely be beamtime in January.


Best wishes,



From: Asaf Pesach <>
Sent: Saturday, 10 December 2022 7:23 PM
To: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Cc: eladc <>


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Dear Max,



I will call the post office tomorrow (it is closed today) to check the delivery time to AU. Honestly, I am very skeptical that they will make it till Dec 22.  In any case, I will do my best and already prepare the samples for delivery.


Can you please provide me with exact address where the package should be sent?


Thanks very much,


From: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2022 10:38:24 AM
To: Asaf Pesach
Cc: eladc


Dear Asaf,


Yes, that sounds very reasonable.

If the samples are ready to be shipped, it would be good to do send them soon, as the ANSTO receiving dock will be closed between Dec 23 and Jan 6 for the Christmas break, but the reactor will still be running, so there will be beamtime available to collect data.

Of course, if the samples arrive after Dec 23, it would still work, just the experiment would be done some time after Jan 6.


Best wishes,



From: Asaf Pesach <>
Sent: Friday, 9 December 2022 6:48 PM
To: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Cc: eladc <>


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Dear Max,


Thank you for your quick response.


According to the literature, the end compounds Nb2SC and Ti2SC have SC Tc at ~5K (experiment, 1999) and 3K (prediction, 2022), respectively. Therefore, I believe the Tc for mid-compounds should be in between these values, depending on the Ti content. 

Considering this, I suggest starting with two samples, Nb2SC and the one with the lowest Ti content -Nb1.5Ti0.5SC. For these compounds the CCR should be good enough. We'll get the data, analyze it and decide together how to proceed. Does this direction seem reasonable to you?

If yes, I suggset to measure each of the two samples at the following data points:

3.5K (or less) - below SC Tc


11K (we saw a magnetic feature at ~9K)

50K (FM)

100K (optional point FM)

150K (optional point FM)

200K (optional point PM)


Optional point - measure just in case of good statistics, otherwise I suggest skipping them.


The total beam time according to this plane is about 48 h.


Please let me know if this plane works.


best regards,






From: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Sent: Friday, December 9, 2022 12:57:59 AM
To: Asaf Pesach
Cc: eladc


Dear Asaf,


For ~2-3g samples by very rough guess is that it would take ~3h per temperature point (but it depends very much on how strong the FM signal will be, which typically takes longer to measure, than AFM, which is typically easier to observe).


There is also something else I should mention, which may affect data collection plan. Our workhorse cryostat, which we have available on the instrument all the time, is a CCR with base temperature of ~3-3.5K. To arrange measurements down to that temperature would be very easy/quick.

At the facility, we of course also have cryostats going down to 1.7K but since 3K is usually enough, we do not get one of the “1.7K” cryostats on Echidna often, so if you think the data below 3K are really necessary, it might take substantially longer to wait.


Best wishes,




From: Asaf Pesach <>
Sent: Thursday, 8 December 2022 11:11 PM
To: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Cc: eladc <>
Subject: Re: Elad Caspi contact? [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


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Dear Max,


It would be a pleasure for me to cooperate with you.

I work with El’ad and Daniel on MAX phases, mainly on its magnetic properties. The new set of MAX phase samples is Nb(x)Ti(2-x)SC, with x=0,0.5,1,1.5,2 (5 samples in total). The main interest in this system emerges from the fact that the x=2 compound is a superconductor with Tc at ~4K and our aim here is to explore its magnetic and electronic properties upon addition of Ti.

My preliminary results from the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements show double indication for magnetic phase transition, at 9 and 180 K.

I guess I don’t have to convince you that the best way to quantitatively study magnetism is by neutrons :). From your website I get the impression that Echidna is ideal for measurements of magnetic phases thanks to its combination of high-resolution capability and cryogenics.

In this study we would like to record high-res diffractograms at different temperatures, starting from room temp, reducing the temperature to measure both the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states, and finally cool down to 1.5-2K, i.e., to measure below the superconductivity transition.

As I mention above, I have 5 powder samples. Considering we have 2-3 gr. of powder from each sample, what is your estimation for the measurement time per single temperature point to achieve sufficient statistics? As a first step, this information will help me to plane the experiment program – in the limitations of Echidna stuff & facility availability, of course.


All the best,





From: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 11:53 PM
To: eladc
Cc: Asaf Pesach
Subject: RE: Elad Caspi contact? [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


Hi El’ad and Asaf,


Yes, that would be fine.

It should be no problem to collect data for all the samples (unless some of them need experimental conditions, which we cannot do).

(Also, once the samples arrive, I will submit a Mail-in proposal to schedule beamtime and include you on it, so do not get surprised if you get automatic emails about submission/scheduling).





From: eladc <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2022 2:59 AM
To: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Cc: Asaf Pesach <>
Subject: Re: Elad Caspi contact? [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


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I cc Dr. Asaf Pesach, one of our staff in the neutron scattering group in the NRCN.
He would like to send some samples.
Asaf will send samples together with our "wish list" for the measurement plan. Will that be OK?

From: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2022 2:10:16 AM
To: eladc
Subject: RE: Elad Caspi contact? [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


Hi El’ad,


“malyisvinokryl” seems to be some sort of a joke, something about “small pig with wings”


Good to hear Daniel will continue work on MAX phases. It seems to be an interesting and large research area.

There is no special procedure for sending samples. Any courier or even regular post would do, simply address the package to:

M. Avdeev


New Illawarra Rd

Lucas Heights, NSW 2234


Tel +61 2 9717 9522


If you use a courier, if possible, please forward me the tracking number, so that I know when to expect delivery.

Late Dec-Jan is good period for long runs (small/absorbing samples and/or multiple temperatures), since it is quiet summer holiday season, so if possible it would be good to send samples soon, if they are ready.


Sure, we can return to discussing possible sabbatical again later, no rush with that. And as we discussed, it may be worth for Daniel to come over for an experiment in 2023 to see what it is like here and he could give you his impression. For example, he could submit a proposal for INS work in the next round.




From: eladc <>
Sent: Tuesday, 22 November 2022 3:02 AM
To: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Subject: Re: Elad Caspi contact? [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


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How are you doing?

His message indeed reached me. His mail is Are you familiar with the name? Of course I remember Maxim Lobanov, and I am willing to try and help. I sent him an e-mail, and I do have few ideas.


On another note. Daniel and I are thinking of sending you samples. What is the procedure exactly? Daniel finally decided to start his PhD on magnetism of MAX phases, combining theory and energy related experiments (such as INS). I will be one of his supervisors.


Finally, the idea of sabbatical in Australia was accepted by Tally with mixed feelings. However it was not overruled on the spot, which is good. The target date is summer of 2024 (ours or yours...).



From: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2022 2:15:24 AM
To: eladc
Subject: FW: Elad Caspi contact? [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]


Hi El'ad,

You may remember Maxim Lobanov. He did a postdoc with Martha Greenblatt at the same time we were at Argonne.
It seems he is looking for a job and is trying to reach you (see the email below).
It did not feel right to give your email but I am forwarding his email, so that you could contact him, if you like.


-----Original Message-----
From: Maxim Lobanov <>
Sent: Thursday, 17 November 2022 5:53 PM
To: AVDEEV, Maxim <>
Subject: Elad Caspi contact?

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добрый день.

Подскажи пожалуйста - у тебя не осталось контактов
Elad Caspi?
Я просто упорно продолжаю искать работу, в основном на Ближнем Востоке
- поэтому вот теперь решил написать всем знакомым и вообще по лабораториям в Израиле...

Спасибо заранее!
