Date : 6/9/2022 5:55:01 AM
From : "Eitan Tiferet"
To : "Matthews, Ibo"
Subject : RE: Hello from Israel
 Thanks Ibo
Hope it will goes well

Regarding the 2023 conference,  we just got the final date, 13 of March  2023.
I really hope you could save the date and pay a visit, yourself and perhaps your team.

Thanks again
מאת: Matthews, Ibo <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שלישי 07 יוני 2022 17:58:29
‏‏אל: Eitan Tiferet
‏‏נושא: RE: Hello from Israel

Hi Eitan,


I think we can make the trip there for a meeting.  I don’t have anything on my calendar right now.


There may also be a trip out your way later in the year as well, will let you know when that becomes clearer.





From: Eitan Tiferet <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 12:44 PM
To: Matthews, Ibo <>
Subject: RE: Hello from Israel


Dear Ibo 

Small reminder





מאת: Eitan Tiferet
‏‏נשלח: יום שני 06 יוני 2022 07:05
RE: Hello from Israel


Dear Ibo

We (Yaron, Dor and myself) are planning a week in Los Alamos during Nov. probably 13 - 18.

Do you think we could meet in person during that week?

Is it reasonable that you (and perhaps your team) will come to LANL?

I could try the option of meeting you in LLNL though it could be more complicated paper wise.

Please let me know how does it sounds to you.






מאת: Eitan Tiferet
‏‏נשלח: שבת 28 מאי 2022 17:10
Matthews, Ibo
RE: Hello from Israel



Dear Ibo

Great, thanks for your positive reply.

It seems like the final date will be early March (Monday, probably first two weeks), since this is our spring break at the universities. 

It will be an honor to count you in as a plenary speaker. More details to come.

Yes, I have talked with Eyal, SS plans sounds fine, and I am looking forward to meet you at Soreq.  

I will keep you updated when the conference will be finalized, and we could discuss further plans for that week. Glad to update that Don and Sven also are positive regarding the conference.

Best regards



מאת: Matthews, Ibo <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שישי 27 מאי 2022 18:41
Eitan Tiferet
RE: Hello from Israel


Dear Eitan,


Great to hear from youAll is going relatively well here, staying busyWe had a good meeting in DC with Eyal and team, and looked at some new angles in metal AMDoing a comparison study on ss316L still sounds like the right direction, with the application being corrosion resistance for waste storage systemsWhat do you thinkMaybe you’ve talked with Eyal or Avi have mentioned this


As for the conference, it would be great to participate, thank you for the invitationI would guess that late January would be less busy for me, since we are in the middle of our initial reviews for internal (LDRD) funding in early MarchBut if it had to be March that would likely be ok


At the DC meeting there was talk of visiting sooner perhaps, including a visit to Soreq (which I haven’t been to)I’ll check with my management to see what the thinking is now





From: Eitan Tiferet <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 5:23 AM
To: Matthews, Ibo <>
Subject: Hello from Israel


Dear Ibo 

I hope my email finds you well

We are planning an AM conference in Israel and I am very happy to invite you to attend, as a plenary talk or key note speaker (your choice)

Last time COVID changed our plans, but it seems we are almost back to normal, so perhaps this time could be more successful.

Since I am a part of the organizing committee, I can help to decide about the final date.


We have two options, it could be during the two last weeks of Jan. or the two first weeks of Mar.

My questions are, would you like to attend, and if so - do you have a proffered date ?

The conference is planned for a one day,  and we can plan a workshop as well during that week.

I thought about asking Don and Sven from LANL as well.

