Date : 10/13/2021 4:29:20 PM
From : "Materials | Boston, MA"
To : "Shimon Zalkind"
Subject : Structure of Materials: Dr. Shimon Zalkind:

Dr. Shimon Zalkind:

Materials Board tried to reach you several times regarding your presence as a at Third International Conference on Material Science and Engineering at Boston, MA on April 18-20, 2022 (Materials-2022). We do understand your busy schedule but, your response is highly appreciated so, please acknowledge.

Online/Virtual slots are also available.

Materials 2022:

As an invited speaker we are happy to provide two nights accommodation at Conference Venue Hotel. Please confirm your registration today.

Your presence will add a remarkable impact to the conference.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

Lohith Ram

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