Date : 11/19/2020 6:00:11 AM
From : "Kylie Brook"
To :
Subject : Dear Zalkind, S.: Invitation to Submit Papers from American J. of Modern Energy

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American J. of Modern Energy
ISSN Online: 2575-3797ISSN Print: 2575-3908
American J. of Modern Energy is an open access, peer-reviewed and reputable international academic journal, dedicated to providing the scholars and practitioners with an impressive exchange platform to share views towards the hot issues of the academic field and the industry field.
Dear Zalkind, S.,
Great day.
Greatly inspired by your former paper entitled "The influence of external stress/strain on the uranium-hydrogen reaction" in Journal of Nuclear Materials, we are sending the invitation for you to submit some other unpublished papers to our journal.
Invitation to Submit Papers
This journal issues professional theoretical and empirical papers with the types of Case Studies, Brief Communications, the Original Contributions, Review Papers as well as Articles of Professional Interests. The articles which are well written and in line with the journal styles will be possibly approved for adoption.
If any interest, you can click the link below to publish your paper:
Why Publish Your Work in this Publishing House?
Over 300
Open Access Journals
Over 20000
Published Articles
Specialists of Different Fields
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This journal is working to include all sides of modern energy's research findings and development, the cutting edge research and advances.
Typical topics include but are not restricted to:
  1. Energy Analysis
  2. Energy Storage
  3. Renewable Energy
  4. Fuel Cell
  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Plasma Chemical Reactions
  3. Fluid Mechanics
  4. Phase Change Material
Here enclosed the excerpt of your research which has drawn the attention of researchers: Hydriding experiments performed on bent uranium samples indicated that increasing the applied tensile stress shortens the nucleation and growth periods of the hydrides and facilitates the formation of hydride growth centers (GCs). The results enable the distinction between the influence of the reversible stress-induced elastic component and the irreversible plastic one. It was concluded that the elastic contribution is most significant in the very initial nucleation and (limited) growth of the “small family” hydride spots, that occur beneath the intact oxidation overlayer. On the other hand, the plastic deformation, which induces microstructural changes in the metal, controls the mechanical rupture of that oxide thin layer, thereby facilitating the conversion of the “small family” into GCs. The combined effects of these two contributions control the experimental nucleation and growth periods observed in the overall kinetics of the hydrogen-metal reaction. ? 2018 Elsevier B.V.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.
Editor of American J. of Modern Energy