Date : 10/24/2018 9:30:44 AM
From : "Yaniv Gelbstein"
To : "'Oshrat Appel'"
Cc : "Noah Shamir" , "shai cohen" , "Ofer Beeri" , "shimonz" , ""
Subject : RE: [Materials] Manuscript ID: materials-379442 - Major Revisions

תודה אושרת.

נוח בהחלט צודק.

תכיני גרסה מתוקנת וקובץ התייחסות לשאלות הסוקרים כמיטב יכולתך בהתאם להערות ונדון בכך.



From: Oshrat Appel []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 11:25 AM
To: יניב גלבשטיין
Cc: Noah Shamir; shai cohen; Ofer Beeri; shimonz;
Subject: Re: [Materials] Manuscript ID: materials-379442 - Major Revisions


שלום לכולם

מסכימה עם נח. מעבירה לכולם את ההערות.


בתאריך יום ד׳, 24 באוק׳ 2018, 11:10, מאת Yaniv Gelbstein <>:

אושרת, תוכלי בבקשה לשלוח לי את ההערות של הסוקרים.




From: Noah Shamir []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:58 AM
To: Oshrat Appel; Oshrat Appel
Cc: Shai Cohen; Ofer Beeri; יניב גלבשטיין; shimonz;
Subject: Re: [Materials] Manuscript ID: materials-379442 - Major Revisions


שלום לכולם,

קל לתקן לפי ההנחיות של השופט השני שהוא גם חיובי וגם ספציפי בדרישות. הראשון הוא בד"כ כללי ולא תמיד ברור מה צריך לתקן. ראשית, יש להתייחס לדברים שבהם הוא כן ספציפי ואו לתקן, או לענות לו למה לא. כדאי לתת גם לדובר אנגלית כשפת אם, אם יש לכם כזה, לעבור על המאמר.


המשך שבוע נעים,




On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 8:20 AM Niki Chang <> wrote:

Dear Mrs. Appel,

Thank you for submitting the following manuscript to Materials:

Manuscript ID: materials-379442
Type of manuscript: Article
Title: Surface oxidation of TiNiSn (Half-Heusler) alloy by oxygen and water
Authors: Oshrat Appel *, Shai Cohen, Ofer Beeri, Noah Shamir, Yaniv
Gelbstein, Shimon Zalkind *
Received: 12 October 2018
Heusler and Half-Heusler Compounds

It has been reviewed by experts in the field and we request that you make
major revisions before it is processed further. Please find your manuscript
and the review reports at the following link (may be the third report):

Your co-authors can also view this link if they have an account in our
submission system using the e-mail address in this message.

Please revise the manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and upload
the revised file within 10 days. Use the version of your manuscript found at
the above link for your revisions, as the editorial office may have made
formatting changes to your original submission. Any revisions should be
clearly highlighted, for example using the "Track Changes" function in
Microsoft Word, so that changes are easily visible to the editors and
reviewers. Please provide a cover letter to explain point-by-point the
details of the revisions in the manuscript and your responses to the
reviewers' comments. Please include in your rebuttal if you found it
impossible to address certain comments. The revised version will be inspected
by the editors and reviewers.

If the reviewers have suggested that your manuscript should undergo extensive
English editing, please address this during revision. We suggest that you
have your manuscript checked by a native English speaking colleague or use a
professional English editing service. Alternatively, MDPI provides an English
editing service checking grammar, spelling, punctuation and some improvement
of style where necessary for an additional charge (extensive re-writing is
not included), see details at

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the
revision of your manuscript or if you need more time. We look forward to
hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,
Ms. Niki Chang, M.Sc.
Assistant Editor

MDPI Branch Office, Beijing
Materials Editorial Office
Skype: 1bcef54c13cf0abc

St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel,
Postfach, CH-4020 Basel