Date : 8/20/2020 2:45:02 AM
From : "ICASE-2020 | Chapter 2"
To : "'Shimon Zalkind S'"
Subject : Limited Invited slots ICASE Applied Science 2020 Webinar

Dear Dr.  Shimon Zalkind S,


We are delighted to announce about the Chapter 2 of the Applied Sciences conference after the successful conference of the previous meeting in Singapore in February 2020. We come up again with the Online Summit on Applied Science and Engineering (ICASE-2020)| Chapter 2 during August 27, 2020 in Israel time. Your research on  applied sciences and engineering is appropriate to be shared as an oral presentation amongst the conference participants.

ICASE-2020 Conference is being organised in association with Ariel University, Israel. The conference is scheduled to provide an online platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practices in the fields of Applied Science and Engineering.

For more information please check the below link


If you agree to participate in the event as an Invited  Speaker (Registration fee 150 USD only) please send us your title of your talk and biography to update you in Program.


Please do not hesitate to mail us for further queries.

Best Regards,
Conference Secretary  
ICASE- 2020

Note: If you are not interested please send Irrelevant to