Date : 6/13/2019 10:43:42 PM
From : "AASCIT Journal"
To :
Subject : Invitation to Submit Your Paper: Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications

Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications
Dear Zalkind S
Call for Research Papers
We have read your published paper titled Surface Oxidation of TiNiSn (Half-Heusler) Alloy by Oxygen and Water Vapor. in Materials (Basel, Switzerland) and the topic has deeply impressed us.
So we want to invite you to submit other articles of related fields to the journal. The journal makes specialists in various scopes closer to the latest scientific researches around the world. All the papers that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence are welcomed.
Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications (; ISSN: 2381-1005) has been aimed at publishing the latest original research results in the form of research articles and review articles within the field(s) of materials sciences and applications.
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To be a member, youll be presented with new resources, valuable opportunities and discount for publication which will absolutely promote your career development. If you join as a member now, some discounts for paper publication in featured journals will be offered to you. For more details, please check out:
Scopes (not limited to the following scopes)
  1. Nanocomposites
  2. Light Emitting Material
  3. Magnetic Material
  4. Textile Materials
  5. Electrical and Electronics Materials
  1. Self Healing Materials
  2. Nanostructured Materials
  3. Composite Materials
  4. Rubber/Elastomeric Materials
  5. Fibers and Matrix Materials
Any questions are welcome.
Best Regards,
The Editorial Office of Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications