Date : 7/28/2020 7:00:43 AM
From : "Philippe Funfrock"
To :
Subject : Can anticancer immunotherapies help us curb COVID-19?
 Can anticancer immunotherapies help us curb COVID-19?
Dear customer,
Recent studies scrutinizing the main players in our organism’s immune response to COVID-19 have revealed unexpected similarities between cancer and the new respiratory disease.
In COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), the lung damage-causing culprits could be the same molecules known to make our immune system powerless against cancer cells.
Despite increasing the complexity of the new disease, these studies also point out a new direction in the development of effective COVID-19 treatments.
In this article we will explore:
  • The parallelism between our organism’s response to cancer and COVID-19
  • The key immune checkpoint targets in COVID-19
  • The immune checkpoint inhibitors currently in clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19
Read the complete article on our website.
Best regards,
Philippe Funfrock