Date : 5/5/2020 8:25:00 AM
From : "BiologyEngineering&Medicine"
To :
Subject : Due to COVID-19 Pandemic we reduced charges: Discount on APC

Biology, Engineering and Medicine

Online ISSN: 2399-9632

PubMed NLM ID:101731757

S C. Batterman (Editor-in-Chief)


Dear Doctor,

Warm wishes for Biology, Engineering and Medicine (BEM)

I firmly believe that your article strengthens the quality of our journal.

We accept any type of article research/review/short communication/opinion on any of your interested topic.

We hope you will be able to respond positively to this invitation and we look forward to hearing from you.

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic we have reduced charges on publication fee and Submitted Articles will be published by providing Decent Waiver on APC.

Kindly let us know your tentative date. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding any further queries.

Awaiting your response.


With best regards,

Prof. Dr. Kelsey Hayes

Managing Editor

Biology, Engineering and Medicine

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