Date : 4/12/2021 8:30:19 AM
From : "MAYER, Stefan Joerg"
To : "ofrak" , "VAN MARCKE, Philippe"
Cc : ""
Subject : RE: Interest in current and planned work on borehole disposal
Attachment : 28704_image001.jpg;28704_image002.png;28704_image003.png;28704_image004.png;28704_image005.png;28704_image006.png;image007.png;28704_image009.jpg;

Dear Ofra

Thank you for the feedback. I understand that early studies related to rad waste geological disposal are at a basic/generic level.

In case you remain interested in any type of IAEA support specific to this, and for example to borehole disposal, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

It might also be of interest to note that a few Member States from Europe (Denmark, Norway, Austria, Slovenia, Netherlands, plus a few I forget just now…) have recently established an association “ERDO” to pool their resources and conduct some scoping studies on geological disposal of their small inventories. They have a bit of a web presence, and if that is of interest, I would be happy to make introductions to them as well.

Kind regards




Mr Stefan Mayer

Team Leader

Section of Waste Technology | Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology

Department of Nuclear Energy

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria | | T: (+43-1) 2600-22672 | F: (+43-1) 26007 |

Underground Research Facilities Network for Geological Disposal Public site



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From: ofrak <>
Sent: Wednesday, 07 April 2021 13:42
To: MAYER, Stefan Joerg <>; VAN MARCKE, Philippe <>
Subject: RE: Interest in current and planned work on borehole disposal


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Dear Stefan


Israel has initiated initial thoughts regarding geological disposal of waste

At the present time, it is only a basic research effort to understand the sub-surface structure in relevant places in the country.

Hence, due to internal prioritization, we cannot join the project and thank you for the kind offer






מאת: MAYER, Stefan Joerg <>
‏‏נשלח: יום רביעי 17 מרץ 2021 10:52:26
ofrak; VAN MARCKE, Philippe
Interest in current and planned work on borehole disposal


Dear Ofra

During the URF Network meeting, you had expressed some further interest in developments relevant to borehole disposal.

My colleague Philippe is overseeing a coordinated project on that topic, and he may share some more information with you.

For us to better understand the interest and need, could you please briefly inform on the amount and type of inventory for which a borehole disposal solution is envisioned in Israel (e.g., high active or long lived disused sources; research reactor fuel; other waste not suitable for surface disposal…).

If useful, we could then schedule a Teams or Webex to briefly discuss options on how IAEA might be able to support any developments towards borehole disposal.

Kind regards



Mr Stefan Mayer

Team Leader

Section of Waste Technology | Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology

Department of Nuclear Energy

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria | | T: (+43-1) 2600-22672 | F: (+43-1) 26007 |

Underground Research Facilities Network for Geological Disposal Public site



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And also @IAEANE &



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