Date : 8/24/2022 3:55:31 PM
From : "MAYER, Stefan Joerg"
To : "LANGE, Karina"
Cc : "ELAMKUNNAM, Shelby Thomas"
Subject : Mark you calendar - URF Network meetings in 2 parts: October virtual / November in Vienna
Attachment : EVT2205823_virtual_TM_URF_Information_Sheet.pdf;EVT2103709_URF TM_Information_Sheet.pdf;28709_image003.jpg;28709_image004.png;28709_image005.png;28709_image006.png;28709_image007.png;28709_image008.png;


Dear colleagues of the URF Network


I hope you are doing well and that you had time to enjoy some of the summer.


The purpose of this email is to share updates on URF Network planning and to allow you to check and mark your calendars.


This year, consistent with our discussions during the last, 2021 virtual URF network meeting, we are organizing the URF network meetings in two parts: one virtual and one for an “in person (hybrid)” setting.


Part 1, the virtual URF Network meeting, is scheduled for October 17-19, and will focus on status updates on Member States URF and geological disposal programmes; as well as a discussion on general IAEA activities such as training and document preparation relevant to DGR programmes.


Part 2, the in person meeting hosted by IAEA in Vienna, is scheduled for November 7-9, and will focus on IAEA and URF Network activities (TBD) and include a dedicated one-day workshop on data management, as agreed during prior network meetings.


We will also attempt to invite one or two “keynote lectures” (TBD – possibly pre-recorded or delivered via online connection), to contribute to celebrating the 20th anniversary of URF Network (since its first meeting 😉).


Information sheets for both events are attached, and we are currently going through all the internal clearances prior to sending request for nomination out through Permanent Missions of our URF Network contact list.


Kind regards




Mr Stefan Mayer

Team Leader

Section of Waste Technology | Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology

Department of Nuclear Energy

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria | | T: (+43-1) 2600-22672 | F: (+43-1) 26007 |

Underground Research Facilities Network for Geological Disposal Public site



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