Date : 2/19/2021 4:03:34 PM
From : "MAYER, Stefan Joerg"
To : "Ms Ira Stefanova (BUL)" , "Ms Ofra Ahuva Klein Ben David (IL)" , "Mr Peter Molnar (HU)" , "Mr Jamal AlAhbabi (UAE)" , "Ms Adelina Vlase-Plesca (ROM)" , "Alan Carolissen" , "Mr Hammad Naseer (PAK)"
Cc : "LANGE, Karina"
Subject : FW: Submission of URF Network contribution as brief update on emerging/future program
Attachment : 28686_SummarySlide_DGR_Prog_URFNetwork2021_Template.pptx;28686_image001.jpg;28686_image002.png;28686_image003.png;28686_image004.png;28686_image005.png;28686_image006.png;

Dear colleagues

I am happy to report that we have already received a fair amount of the expected brief information.


Kind reminder to you, that I expect this brief information also from the national DGR program you represent, for us to combine all the specific information into a short global overview presentation of some 15 emerging or future DGR programs. The result will be presented on Monday.


We have a sharepoint site, to which you can directly download the file, as per instructions below. In case this does not work, simply send an email with attachment.


Ideally, we would receive the remaining input before this evening.


Kind regards






From: " (MAYER, Stefan Joerg)" <>
To: "LANGE, Karina" <>, "MAYER, Stefan Joerg" <>
Cc: "" <>, "" <>, "" <>, Ms Ira Stefanova <>, Andrea Rapic <>, Mr Zelimir Veinovic <>, "" <>, "Mr Mohsen Asadian (IRA)" <>, "" <>, rasuarez <>, juanramon.mota <>, "Ms Marja Vuorio (NL)" <>, "Mr Jeroen Bartol (NL)" <>, safdarkotla <>, "" <>, Leon Kegel <>, Alan Carolissen <>, "Mr Jamal AlAhbabi (UAE)" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 09:22:54 +0000
Subject: Submission of URF Network contribution as brief update on emerging/future program

Dear colleagues


I am happy to note a very broad participation to this years’ URF Network meeting – no doubt a benefit resulting from conducting a virtual meeting.


This email is to ask for your advance meeting contribution, that you would provide to us through using and informing the attached template, and returning to us as described below, before Friday this week.


Given the quite challenging time constraints the meeting has to contend with, in no small part due to the very large time differences amongst participants joining, I would kindly ask that you help us presenting a global overview of emerging and future programs in the most condensed way possible.


For this, I kindly ask you to inform the attached template slides (slide one to briefly inform on generic future plans for a DGR and the associated estimated inventory; a second slide if some current generic studies and RD&D have been conducted) and return to us before Friday this week.

NOTE1: If several participants represent the same national program, please agree with each other and only send a single contribution for that program.

NOTE2: Croatia and Slovenia – I would expect you to only present a single program, given the current plans for a joint DGR; you might distinguish on specific aspects, such as the planning for resources, in case there major differences to be conveyed.


I realize that this will not do justice to the thought and prior work already invested with the national DGR program you represent, and the purpose is to provide to all meeting participants a very short impression of the situation around the globe on this particular topic.


For practicalities and IT logistics to submitting your contribution:

The meeting has a dedicated sharepoint site under the URF Network page and to the best of my knowledge, all of you have access*.


This page includes a button labelled “Member States Draft Submissions” – please use it, it will take you to a folder in which your file can be uploaded through simple drag/drop.


If I could receive the file before Friday, it would give me a chance to preview and organize with all other submissions, to integrate into a single summary presentation and to ensure an orderly virtual meeting development. We would present this summary on your behalf to all meeting participants, on the first day (Monday) and ask that you could be attentive, in case any meeting participant has a specific question to the national program you represent.


You will note in the agenda, that we loosely grouped the national programmes you represent as “emerging or future” programmes, in an effort to distinguish from those currently investing substantial resources with an active siting process or to prepare an upcoming siting process – or even prepare for construction as in some cases.


Only a few of the more experienced national DGR programs (e.g. Sweden, France, Switzerland, Canada, USA, etc) will give brief, pre-recorded update presentations during the Tuesday session, and that number had to be limited, to fit in the meeting time available – I am contacting representatives of those programs separately.


Kind regards



*Should you not yet have access to the URF Network members’ pages, go to the public landing page

and follow the “not a member yet” procedure. In the event you already have an email recognized as IAEA nucleus account (the first step in the procedure), you can then also email me directly, it will be easy for me to add that email to the access permissions to the URF Network site.



PS: While I had prior email exchange with some of you, with some informal confirmation of intention to participate in the meeting, please note that we have not yet received the official nominations from Argentina, Brazil, India, Iran, Lithuania, Mexico and  Pakistan. Please get in urgent contact with your official national contact, and ensure the procedure will be finalized these days.


Mr Stefan Mayer

Team Leader

Section of Waste Technology | Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology

Department of Nuclear Energy

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria | | T: (+43-1) 2600-22672 | F: (+43-1) 26007 |


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