Date : 10/23/2019 3:33:27 PM
From : "PromCom"
To : "" , ""
Subject : Fw: Dr. Eric Maimon
Attachment : 29284_Prof. Y.A. Berlin.pdf;

Dear Dr. Yuri A. Berlin

We would appreciate receiving your response by Octobert 29, 2019 if possible


M Friedman

Coordinator of the Committee

מאת: PromCom
‏‏נשלח: יום שני 12 אוגוסט 2019 17:57
‏‏נושא: Dr. Eric Maimon

Dear Dr. Yuri A. Berlin,

The professional Staff Promotion Committee of NRCN currently evaluates the promotion of

 Dr. Eric Maimon

We would deeply appreciate your help in this important matter

Enclosed please find the application letter, and

Dr. Maimon CV and list of publication


M Friedman

Coordinator of the Committe