Date : 4/20/2020 6:36:00 AM
From :
To : "'eyaly'" , "'שרון חן-גופר'" , "'A. Rubinshtein'"
Subject : Hello from Paris - Follow up TX 1000
Attachment : 17247_Ronald Berger-Lefébure.vcf;Logo.png;17247_image003.jpg;

Dear all,

I hope you and your family are healthy during these difficult times of uncertainty. Therefore, I do wish everything is going well.

Since March 16th, our team is now working remotely from home like many of us.

Referring to March annual steering committee with top management from IAEC and CEA, I understand that a motion was adopted to consider replacing Andor Technology Ltd spectrometer by Ocean Insight high-resolution spectrometers product range. Indeed, as of today, there is still nothing with the export licence demand process.

In this respect, we will proceed with our developments accordingly and will be working on delivering to you our best available high-quality equipment. We will keep you updated.

In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. We can schedule a Skype at your best convenience.

Take good care of yourself and of your close ones.

With my very best regards,
