Date : 7/3/2019 5:22:30 AM
From : "שרון חן-גופר"
To : ""
Cc : "'eyaly'" , "'A. Rubinshtein'"
Subject : RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 2
Attachment : 17158_image001.jpg;17158_image002.jpg;

Dear Ronald,


I realize  that you’ve an agreement regarding all the details, therefore I would like to receive the updated quotation.


Best regards,



מאת: []
נשלח: Monday, July 1, 2019 10:27 PM
אל: 'eyaly' <>
עותק: שרון חן-גופר‏ <>; 'A. Rubinshtein' <>
נושא: RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 2


Dear Eyal and all,


Thank you very much for your message and for your trust in our LIBS expertise !


Regarding the final procedure of your order, I will keep you posted and we will proceed accordingly.


With my very best regards,






De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : lundi 1 juillet 2019 20:56
À :
Cc : '
שרון חן-גופר' <>; 'A. Rubinshtein' <>
Objet : Re: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 2


Dear Ronald, 


We appreciate your cooperation and my expectations are certainly met ! 

thank you.

The order has been approved and should get to you soon. 


It is important that we receive the TX 1000 by December 2019, so we can complete payment in the current fiscal year. 

Hence, I think it is better to separate the liquid kid from the LIBS and get it during 2020.  


I'm apologize for the time it took us, much more than I initially expected, and I hope that we are in the final procedures which will be concluded very soon. 




Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190



From: <>
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 2:23 PM
To: eyaly
Cc: '
שרון חן-גופר'; 'A. Rubinshtein'
Subject: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 2


Dear Eyal and all,


Thank you for your message. Hopefully, your internal process is moving on. Thank you.


You are right, the liquid kit pricing should be added to the TX 1000 pricing.


Our discount capability is limited. In order to illustrate our commitment to the success of our tripartite relationship, I propose a 15% discount on the liquid kit pricing. Therefore, our special offer is 39,1K€ pricing for the liquid kit.


I do hope your expectations are met,


With my best regards,






De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : samedi 29 juin 2019 20:18
À :
Cc : '
שרון חן-גופר' <>; 'A. Rubinshtein' <>
Objet : Re: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 1


Dear Ronald, 


It took me a while to get back with some questions. 

In the meantime, we continued the internal process to issue the order.


I thank you for the generous offer regarding the Prisma software.


As for the liquid kid, do you mean that first we will shall receive the LIBS (without the kit), by the end of 2019, and the kit will be delivered by Sep. 2020?

Does the price quoted (250K) include the kit, or the price (46K) should be added to the LIBS? Any discount on purchasing both the LIBS with the kit?





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190



From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 1:54 PM
To: eyaly
Cc: '
שרון חן-גופר'; 'A. Rubinshtein'
Subject: RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 1


Dear Eyal and all,


Thank you for your message and prompt reply.


Regarding Prisma software updates and upgrades agreement, the pricing is 18K€ per station per annum.


Considering the establishment of our partnership relationship between the CEA Saclay / IAEC-NRCN / IUMTEK, our pricing proposal is 20K€ for your three Prisma software stations (TX 1000 + 2 desktop PCs), per annum.


We can add the liquid kit in the frame of your purchase. You may consider that delivery would not be before current of the 1st semester of 2020.


I hope that our offer meets your expectations,


With my best regards,





De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : lundi 17 juin 2019 20:32
À :; '
שרון חן-גופר' <>
Cc : 'A. Rubinshtein' <>
Objet : Re: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 1


Dear Ronald and all, 


Thanks for the detailed reply.

Thanks to Sharon, we are pushing the order as urgently as possible.


Having TX1000 will allow a scientific collaboration with the department of physical  chemistry at Sacaly.

Hopefully, this collaboration which focuses on developing analytical capabilities will contribute to IUMTEK as well. 


I understand that updates of the software beyond the first year require additional agreement. Any idea of the price?

Also, in view of the strong scientific collaboration between the CEA and the IAEC/NRCN, we appreciate if IUMTEK will consider

to include the liquid kit in the frame of the purchase, as it will allow further developing methods.





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190



From: <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 2:47 PM
To: '
שרון חן-גופר'
Cc: eyaly; 'A. Rubinshtein'
Subject: RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 1


Dear Sharon,

Dear All,


Thank you for your message. Please find below our answers.


Point 1 : the liquid sample analysis kit is not part of the quotation. The price of this option is 46K.

Point 2 : during one year, you will benefit of software updates free of charge. Following this period, a software update agreement will be needed.

Point 3 : no spare parts are requested. As a feedback from experience, depending on the nature of your samples and the number of measurements achieved with the TX 1000, optical portholes may be required due to intense wear-off. Pricing range would be between 90€ and 26€ per porthole.

Point 4 : OK. We will have to fine tune the advance training program for your high skilled electrician.

Point 5 & 6 : acceptance test will be done with a standard sample of Aluminium reference 51XG00H3, which will be yours. Testing characteristic of wavelengths and their signals of peaks are validated in-house before delivery and at customer premises upon reception. A software module, part of Prisma software, enables a control card based on the Aluminium standard sample. Therefore, this module allows checking on demand, in order to monitor TX 1000 reliability over time.


With my best regards,





De : שרון חן-גופר <>
Envoyé : dimanche 16 juin 2019 15:11
À :
Cc :; A. Rubinshtein <>
Objet : FW: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 1


Dear Ronald,


Thank you for the quotation. Arnon has some questions and clarifications:

1.       From the quotation it’s not clear if the “liquid sample analysis kit” is part of it. If not, what is the price of it?

2.       For long collaboration between iumtek, CEA  & NRCN it will be for the best to work on the same software version. We’d ask that the quotation will address future software updates.

3.       We highly appreciate to have the full spare parts list and their prices in advance.

4.       As mentioned on our visit to CEA (November 2018), we suggest that the training will include 3 NRCN stuff members, divided in two.

2 people will be trained for operating procedures and the third, a high skilled electrician, for advance training to be capable of basic system repairs under iumtek instructions.

5.       Does the quotation include acceptant test? Furthermore, is there any quality test that enables verification the iumtek DX1000 runs properly, and that can be implemented now and in the future?

6.       Following paragraph 5, do you have any benchmark test that includes characteristic wavelengths and their signals of peaks and backgrounds in various matrixes?


Best regards,



מאת: []
נשלח: Friday, June 14, 2019 3:23 PM
אל: שרון חן-גופר‏ <>
נושא: Follow up NRCN LIBS - 1


Dear Sharon,


Following our last exchange, please find attached our best technical and financial offer for the supply of a LIBS TX 1000 instrument.


With my best regards,





De : שרון חן-גופר <>
Envoyé : mardi 11 juin 2019 10:24
À :
Cc :
Objet : RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald,


Thank you for the bank account details.


Best regards,



מאת: []
נשלח: Monday, June 10, 2019 7:19 PM
אל: שרון חן-גופר‏ <>
נושא: RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS


Dear Sharon,


Please find below our bank account details. You will find attached an official bank document which states that it is İUMTEK’s bank account.


  • Beneficiary bank name : Crédit Agricole Ile-de-France

  Paris Saint-Charles

  • Account name : S.A.S. İUMTEK

         86 rue de Paris 91400 Orsay, France

  • Bank adress : 126 rue Saint-Charles 75015 Paris, France
  • Credit account: 65044564844 16
  • Bank code: 18206 00219
  • Swift/bic code : AGRIFRPP882
  • Iban : FR76 1820 6002 1965 0445 6484 416


You should be receiving our TX 1000 LIBS equipment quotation by the end of this week. Sorry for the delay.


Indeed, last week, we were involved and overwhelmed by our next relocation which will be officially achieved in October.


With my best regards,






De : שרון חן-גופר <>
Envoyé : lundi 3 juin 2019 09:18
À :
Cc :
Objet : RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald,


Eyal has already introduce us, I’m the purchase representative for this project.

In order to proceed the process please send to me:

  1. A quotation for the LIBS.
  2. Details of your bank account, in order to open your company  as a supplier in our finance system:
  • Beneficiary bank name.
  • Account name.
  • Bank adress.
  • Credit account.
  • Bank code.
  • Swift/bic code.
  • Iban.


I also need a letter from your bank which confirmthat this is your account.


Best regards,

Sharon Chen-Gofer.





מאת: []
נשלח: Friday, May 31, 2019 11:00 AM
אל: 'eyaly'<>
עותק: שרון חן-גופר‏ <>; 'POUSSARD Christophe'<>; 'SARRADE Stephane'<>; 'BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick'<>; 'AVERTY Xavier'<>; 'GOSMAIN Lionel'<>; 'VERCOUTER Thomas'<>
נושא: RE: Follow up NRCN LIBS


Dear Eyal,


Thank you for your message and hope to see you in early July.


Regarding your question, my estimation for the time it takes between receiving your order and shipping the system would be between 4 to 5 months (considering August is a slow activity month).


With my best regards,






De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : lundi 27 mai 2019 09:19
À :
Cc :; 'POUSSARD Christophe' <>; 'SARRADE Stephane' <>; 'BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick' <>; 'AVERTY Xavier' <>; 'GOSMAIN Lionel' <>; 'VERCOUTER Thomas' <>
Objet : Re: Follow up NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald,

We are doing fine, and hope it is the case for you as well.

There was little progress on our side since our last phone conversation.
However, no change in the decision to purchase the LIBS, and our interest in LIBS remains high.

The delay is merely due to bureaucracy of budjet allocation at NRCN which takes more time then I expected.

A relevant question I was asked was to have an estimated time between receiving the order and shipment?

Tentatively I plan to get to Saclay on the week of July the 8th. Once this plan will be realize, I'll keep you informed.


From: <>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 10:13:12 AM
To: eyaly
Cc:; 'POUSSARD Christophe'; 'SARRADE Stephane'; 'BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick'; 'AVERTY Xavier'; 'GOSMAIN Lionel'; 'VERCOUTER Thomas'
Subject: Follow up NRCN LIBS


Dear Eyal,


I hope you are doing well.


Following upon our last exchange, do you have any news to share with regard your procedure for purchase ?


Feel free to let me know if you have any question or need any support.


Very best regards,





            STAND CEA G42



-----Message d'origine-----
De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2019 18:12
À :
Cc : 'POUSSARD Christophe' <>; 'SARRADE Stephane' <>; 'BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick' <>; 'AVERTY Xavier' <>; 'GOSMAIN Lionel' <>; 'VERCOUTER Thomas' <>;
Objet : Re: NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald,


I would like to introduce to our correspondence Mrs. Sharon Chen-Goffer. Sharon is in charge of the procedures for purchase.


In view of the  coming passover I wish all of us happy holiday.




Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.

Chief Scientist, NRCN

P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,

Israel, 84190



From: eyaly

Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 2:34:29 PM


Cc: 'POUSSARD Christophe'; 'SARRADE Stephane'; 'BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick'; 'AVERTY Xavier'; 'GOSMAIN Lionel'; 'VERCOUTER Thomas'

Subject: Re: NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald and all,


We are finalizing the internal process at NRCN and hopefully be able to issue the order.

I personally appreciate your help and the strong collaboration with our colleagues from the CEA.


You are kindly invited to Israel at your convenience.





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.

Chief Scientist, NRCN

P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,

Israel, 84190



From: <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 1:27:24 PM

To: eyaly

Cc: 'POUSSARD Christophe'; 'SARRADE Stephane'; 'BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick'; 'AVERTY Xavier'; 'GOSMAIN Lionel'; 'VERCOUTER Thomas'

Subject: RE: NRCN LIBS


Dear Eyal,


It is with honor and confidence that I acknowledge your decision to collaborate with IUMTEK and to invest in our elementary chemical elements TX 1000 analyzer.


We look forward to be a constructive and efficient LIBS partner on behalf of the research program between you and your colleagues from CEA.


If we can join the band during your next stop in Saclay, I would be delighted to receive you in our office @IncubAlliance (Orsay).


Thank you so much, with my profound gratitude.


All the best,






De : POUSSARD Christophe <> Envoyé : mardi 2 avril 2019 11:55 À : eyaly <> Cc :; SARRADE Stephane <>; BLANC-TRANCHANT Patrick <>; AVERTY Xavier <>; GOSMAIN Lionel <>; VERCOUTER Thomas <> Objet : NRCN LIBS Importance : Haute


Dear Eyal,


I would like to express to you and to your colleagues at NRCN my strongest enthusiasm and excitement about the decision you took to invest in a IUMTEK LIBS instrument ! I strongly believe in collaborations when they are built around solid grounds and reciprocal investments. And your decision to develop a research program with us around the IUMTEK instrument it to my eyes a very positive and strong commitment on your side. It gives us long term perspective and you can believe in my personal support to develop the project with you.


As discussed on the phone this morning, I rang  Ronald Berger Lefebure, head of Iumtek to inform him. He is of course very keen and excited to work with. It is up to both of you now to make all the necessary steps to conclude a contract together and to have the LIBS delivered to your country. Of course, please feel free to contact us if needed, we will be very happy to provide assistance if needed.


Many thanks again Eyal. Let me know if you are around in June, we can organize something. And will get back to you to organize a technical visit, hopefully before the end of the summer.


Best and warm regards









Christophe POUSSARD

Chef du Département de Physico-Chimie


Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives DEN/DANS/DPC | Bâtiment 450 | Pièce 152 Point courrier N°40


Tél  : +33 (0)1 69 08 91 66<>