Date : 10/3/2022 12:45:10 PM
From : "Maya Moed"
To : "Yaniv Shaposhnik"
Cc : "eyaly" , "יעקב סופר"
Subject : RE: 20th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Challenges and Issues in Capacity Building for Ensuring Nuclear Energy Sustainable Development

היי יניב, 

לתשומת ליבך העדכון מסבא"א שהעברתי לכם במייל הקודם - 

I regret to inform you that The IAEA and Host country (the United States of America) has decided to postpone the 20th Dialogue Forum, scheduled for 14-18 November 2022,  to the 27 to 31 March 2023. We will distribute the Note Verbale to representatives and member states soon to officially announce the rescheduling and new dates. We apologize for the inconvenience that might result from this change.
 על כן, יש עוד זמן...



Maya Moed
Deputy Director
External Relations and International Cooperation

Israel Atomic Energy Commission

Tel: +972.8.6858768

מאת: Yaniv Shaposhnik <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שני 03 אוקטובר 2022 13:06:24
‏‏אל: Maya Moed
עותק: eyaly; יעקב סופר
‏‏נושא: Re: 20th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Challenges and Issues in Capacity Building for Ensuring Nuclear Energy Sustainable Development
שלום רב,
הרישום היה צריך להתבצע עד ה 23 לספטמבר
והכנס הוא בתחילת נובמבר שזה כחודש מהיום.
ועדיין לא סוכם איך אני מגיע לשם בטיסה + מוניות או השכרת רכב

On Mon, Oct 3, 2022, 02:50 Maya Moed <> wrote:

איל, מאחר שמדובר בעוד הרבה זמן, וגם לאור זה שעוד לא נפתח הרישום, מציעה שנדבר על זה שוב לקראת התאריך..



Maya Moed
Deputy Director
External Relations and International Cooperation

Israel Atomic Energy Commission

Tel: +972.8.6858768

מאת: eyaly
‏‏נשלח: יום ראשון 02 אוקטובר 2022 07:52:00
‏‏אל: Yaniv Shaposhnik; יעקב סופר; Maya Moed
‏‏נושא: Fw: 20th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Challenges and Issues in Capacity Building for Ensuring Nuclear Energy Sustainable Development
יניב, לידיעתך

מאיה, מבקש לוודא רישום של יניב, אבל את ארגון ההשתתפות נעשה בהמשך השנה

Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190

From: Mission IAEA-Embassy of Israel-Vienna <>
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 3:29:07 PM
To: daniela; DCM IAEA-Embassy of Israel-Vienna; ekruvi; eyaly; favelg;; liorg; מיה רוס; orit; ran (; rgavish; avria; אבי ריקנטי; גוסטבו; דן ברקוביץ; Maya Moed; מיכה בר; עופר אביב (
Subject: FW: 20th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Challenges and Issues in Capacity Building for Ensuring Nuclear Energy Sustainable Development

ראו עדכון מטה.


שבת שלום!


Best Regards,


Shaked Fridrich Levtov

Assistant to the Ambassador

Permanent Mission of Israel

to the IAEA and the CTBTO-PREPCOM


Anton-Frank-Gasse 20, A-1180, Vienna

Tel:  +43-1-47646511

Fax: +43-1-47646565



From: TAGANI, Lorena []
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2022 6:04 PM
To: TAGANI, Lorena <>
Cc: CHOI, Wonho <>; BOYER, Brian <>; GLADYSHEV, Maxim <>; ROBERTS, John W <>
Subject: 20th INPRO Dialogue Forum on Challenges and Issues in Capacity Building for Ensuring Nuclear Energy Sustainable Development


Dear Madam/Sir,



I regret to inform you that The IAEA and Host country (the United States of America) has decided to postpone the 20th Dialogue Forum, scheduled for 14-18 November 2022,  to the 27 to 31 March 2023. We will distribute the Note Verbale to representatives and member states soon to officially announce the rescheduling and new dates. We apologize for the inconvenience that might result from this change.





Lorena on behalf of Mr Wonho Choi



Mr. Wonho CHOI  |  Senior Nuclear Expert

International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) Section|

Division of Nuclear Power|Department of Nuclear Energy |

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria

Email: | T: (+43-1) 2600-22818 | M: (+43) 676-408-2017 | F: (+43-1) 2600-29598 |


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