Date : 1/16/2023 9:57:54 AM
From : "Efi Guterman"
To : "" , ""
Cc : "Michal Fisher" , "info FIPG"
Subject : RE: Our Ref: |BGU/048-USP (TOR)| - Your ref: - US Patent Application No. 63/438,660 for "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DEPOSITING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY OF SAMPLES ON A SINGLE SUBSTRATE"- Filing report
Attachment : DN No 98697.pdf;18537_image001.png;18537_image002.png;18537_image003.png;18537_image004.png;18537_image005.png;18537_image006.png;18537_image007.png;18537_image008.png;18537_image009.png;18537_image010.png;

Dear Eyal,


Following the below, our Debit Note for services rendered to date in connection with the application is attached.

Our debit note with our associate cost will follow.



Best regards,


Efi Guterman

Adv. & Senior Paralegal


Description automatically generated with medium confidence


 6 Maskit St., Herzliya Pituach 4673300

 P.O. Box 12352, Herzliya Pituach


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From: Efi Guterman
יום ב 16 ינואר 2023 11:34
To: '' <>;; '' <>; Dorit Lowinger <>; Naomi Siew <>
Cc: Olga Korchev <>; Michal Fisher <>; info FIPG <>
Subject: Our Ref: |BGU/048-USP (TOR)| - Your ref: - US Patent Application No. 63/438,660 for "SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DEPOSITING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY OF SAMPLES ON A SINGLE SUBSTRATE"- Filing report


Dear All,


We are pleased to report that the above-identified provisional patent application was filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on 12 January 2023. Please see below the filing particulars:


Application No. 63/438,660;

Application filing date: 12 January 2023;

Applicant: B. G. NEGEV TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS LTD., AT BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY, Politecnico di Torino , Nuclear Research Center - Negev.


A copy of the filing packet including a copy of the application as filed and the Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt is attached for your records.  A copy of the official Filing Receipt will be forwarded to you upon receipt.


We are also attaching an Assignment documents for execution by the inventors, assigning the rights for this invention to applicants. Please return the duly executed documents to us by e-mail reply as soon as possible. Please note that we will submit the signed assignments to the USPTO for recordations upon receipt unless instructed to the contrary. Our costs for submitting the assignments are NIS 400 + VAT per assignment.


We note that the above-identified application is entitled to payment of reduced U.S. Patent Office fees by virtue of claiming “small entity” status. Please let us know if the patent application has been licensed/subjected to option agreement so that we can confirm that the fees should continue to be paid at the small entity rate. Declaring the correct entity status is critical to the validity of the patent once it issues.


Please note that if you intend to file corresponding national applications and/or an International Patent Application (PCT), claiming priority from the above-identified application, this should be done before 12 January 2024. We would appreciate receiving your instructions in this regard in due course.


Our debit notes will follow.


Best regards,


Efi Guterman

Adv. & Senior Paralegal


Description automatically generated with medium confidence


 6 Maskit St., Herzliya Pituach 4673300

 P.O. Box 12352, Herzliya Pituach


A picture containing text, clipart

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This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It contains confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney- client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you.