גבי ועופרה שלום:
ראו מייל להלן, תוכלנה לסייע לי בפרטים.
Prof. Alva Peled
Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.B. 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, ISRAEL.
Phone: Int.+972-(0)8-6479668/9
Fax: Int.+972-(0)8- 64779670
Email: alvpeled@bgu.ac.il
From: Menachem Givon <givonme@bgu.ac.il>
Sent: יום ב 05 אפריל 2021 15:40
To: עלוה פלד <alvpeled@bgu.ac.il>
Subject: Regarding your research "Carbonation impact on radionuclide retention properties in hardened cement pastes..."
Dear Prof. Alva Peled ,
Let me interduce myself: I am Dr. Meny Givon from BGN.
We have an urgent request from the Ministry of the Defense to provide them with details of researches done in BGU in cooperation with French researchers. We ask your permission to report to them that you conduct the above-mentioned research in cooperation with " " and " ". Please send us also the start and end dates of the research and the contact details (email and phone) of the French researchers.
For more information about this request please call me.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Thanks and best regards,
Dr. Meny Givon
B.G. N technologies