Date : 9/13/2021 5:07:38 AM
From : "Eitan Tiferet"
To : "Brown, Donald William" , "Shlachter, Jack"
Cc : "Sarrao, John Louis" , "eyaly" , "eladc"
Subject : RE: Recent Publication

Dear Don

Thanks for sharing

Gennady is finalizing his research proposal (mostly bureaucracy) , and analyzed most of the neutron data.

Hope to share more good news up ahead.




מאת: Brown, Donald William <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שלישי 07 ספטמבר 2021 19:45:15
‏‏אל: Shlachter, Jack; Eitan Tiferet
עותק: Sarrao, John Louis
‏‏נושא: Recent Publication

Jack and Eitan,

I don't know if you are still tracking highlights for the NNSA/IAEC collaboration, but a paper was recently accepted that benefitted from this collaboration.  Gennady Rafailov participated in the experiments at CHESS, analyzed the texture data and co-authored the papers.  Below is the highlight that i sent up my chain of management...

Additively manufactured Ti-6V-4Al (Ti64) is of particular interest because components can be made with considerably less wasted material (i.e. decreased buy to fly ratio), offering potentially significant cost savings. However, the many rapid heating and cooling cycles associated with AM result in a high energy metastable microstructure in Ti64.  A paper entitled "Evolution of the Microstructure of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ti64 During Post-Build Heat Treatment" authored by Don Brown, co-authored by Veronica Anghel, Bjorn Clausen, Ramon Martinez, Nathan Johnson, Eloisa Zepada-Alarcon, as well as collaborators from Penn State University, Queens University, Cornell University, LLNL, and Ben Gurion University was accepted and chosen for an "Editor's Choice" award (meaning the paper is freely accessible) by Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. The paper reports microstructure (dislocation density, texture, internal stress and solute chemistry) as a function of temperature during in-situ heat treatment of AM Ti64 determined from experiments at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source [distinct portions of the work funded by the Office of Experimental Sciences (NA-113), Component Maturation (NA-115), and LDRD; executed by Materials Science in Radiation & Dynamics Extremes (MST-8)].
