Date : 1/7/2020 2:50:41 PM
From : "Dixon, Paul Robert"
To : "eyaly"
Subject : FW: Israel


Happy New Year!! :)!  Bechtel and Deep Isolation (shared a thumb drive at workshop) would like to talk with you about their horizontal borehole program.  I have not shared your contact information and will only do so if you request I do.  You can also directly respond to Mark Frei.  Let me know if your interested in talking with them.






Paul R. Dixon
Deputy Director
Civilian Nuclear Program Office
Los Alamos, NM 87545
Admin: 505-665-4965
Cell: 505-699-1744





From: Frei, Mark <>
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2020 12:54 PM
To: Dixon, Paul Robert <>
Cc: Rod Baltzer <>; Frei, Mark <>
Subject: RE: Israel


Paul – hope you had a great set of holidays and time off with family and friends.

On the Israel front, neither Deep Isolation or Bechtel has heard a word.  We would certainly like the opportunity to start communications with them, if there is the slightest bit of interest on their part.

Thanks, Mark


From: Dixon, Paul Robert []
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 8:07 PM
To: Frei, Mark <>
Cc: Rod Baltzer <>
Subject: RE: Israel [*EXTERNAL*]



Let me talk to Eyal the chief scientist at NRCN about getting you a communication channel. 


Sent with BlackBerry Work


From: Frei, Mark <>

Date: Friday, Dec 13, 2019, 12:41 PM

To: Dixon, Paul Robert <>

Cc: Rod Baltzer <>

Subject: Israel


Paul – as of this week, Deep Isolation has not been contacted by Israel.

If appropriate, given our last phone conversation, getting the two parties to talk would seem to be beneficial.

Is there anything Deep Isolation should initiate from their end, and if so, who should they contact?

Thanks much!  Mark