Date : 11/11/2019 4:24:01 PM
From : "Eyal Elish"
To : "Klaus Mayer" , "michal brandis" , "Alon Osovizky" , "Offer Zeiri" , "מאור אסולין" , "amiram moyal" , "Eitan J.C Borojovich" , "Aldo Shemesh" , "Udi Wengrowicz" , "Noa Fruchter" , "Michal Brandis" , "בועז אסטרחן" , "Itzik Sedgi" , "Itzhak halevy" , "eyaly" , "Zeev Karpas" ,,,, "Gregory Gershinsk" ,
Cc :,,
Subject : Re: Upcoming Workshop
Attachment : November 2019 Workshop_agenda_4.pdf;19900_image001.gif;

Last minute Updates to the Agenda......

On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 7:59 AM Eyal Elish <> wrote:
With the agenda this time......

On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 7:46 AM Eyal Elish <> wrote:
Good morning every one,

I am sending the last version of the agenda updated with some last minute changes.

As Maor is preparing a USB drive with all the presentations, please send him yours when available.

Enclosed you will find mine.

Klaus, Zsolt - The taxi driver advised to leave Rotem for TLV at 1130 due to high traffic expected on Thursday.

I made the proper changes to the time table.

Best wishes,

On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 11:32 AM Eyal Elish <> wrote:
Dear All,

I am attaching the up to date version of the agenda for next week workshop.

Please comment if corrections\adjustments are needed.

Best wishes,

On Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 6:47 PM Eyal Elish <> wrote:
Hi every one,

I made some minor changes to the draft agenda.

I added more time to the discussion regarding SSD topic to allow us reach understanding of future plans during the Wednesday session.

Best wishes,

On Sat, Oct 5, 2019 at 4:50 PM Eyal Elish <> wrote:
Dear all,

I am attaching a first draft for the upcoming workshop.

It is opened fr discussion and changed.


On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 5:45 PM Eyal Elish <> wrote:
Dear Klaus,

Thanks again for your suggestions.

I will come up with a tentative schedule by Saturday.

We certainly like to discuss the new topic of SSD as a forensic toll, and will present some work done in that field (or close to that field).

Wish you all a nice weekend.


On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 1:31 PM <> wrote:

Dear Eyal, dear Michal,


I apologize for the delayed response. Zsolt and I had a discussion yesterday afternoon, where we collected some ideas for the agenda. We also consulted our notes of the meeting in Oct 2018 here in Karlsruhe.


We would suggest the following elements to be included in the agenda:


Scientific topics

Signatures in UOC samples                                                                          - Maor, Amiram

Propagation of signatures in the processing of natural uranium - Zsolt

Comparative analysis of U samples (CUP-2, U-630, CMX-5)                                                           - Zsolt, NRCN, SRNC; GSI



Solid state Dosimetry (SSD) as a novel forensic tool(*)

Principles of SSD and application in emergency management      - NRCN or SNRC

Potential applications of SSD in nuclear forensics                               - Klaus


Operational aspects

Preparation of 2020 workshop on RCSM in Karlsruhe

(possibly also a report from national exercises in Israel and Germany as input to the workshop preparation)


Drafting of Action Sheets (in preparation of new MoU)


(*) this is obviously a new topic. If this is not of interest to your, feel free to take it out. If it is of interest to you, then you might wish to include some colleagues doing dosimetry in the discussion (as suggested above).





Dr. Klaus Mayer
Deputy Head of Unit

European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Directorate G - Nuclear Safety and Security
G.II.6 Nuclear Safeguards and Forensics

Postfach 2340
76125 Karlsruhe/Germany
+49 7247 951 545


From: Eyal Elish []
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 5:15 PM
To: MAYER Klaus (JRC-KARLSRUHE); Michal Brandis
Subject: Upcoming Workshop


Dear Klaus,


Michal and I are preparing the agenda for the workshop on November.


We will appreciate very much your opinion whether to concentrate on radio-logical terrorism or on scientific topics.


Which will be most beneficial for our collaboration at this time?


Best wishes,
