Date : 3/23/2022 1:26:51 PM
From : "eyaly"
To : "מיה רוס"
Cc : "Maya Moed" , "דן ברקוביץ" , "אבי ריקנטי"
Subject : Re: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


אשמח לקבל את האג'נדה

לא ברור לי מה עומד לקרות? האם הם סוקרים את נושאי השת"פ? 

יש רשימת משתתפים מהצד שלהם? 


Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: מיה רוס
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 11:11:43 AM
To: Watkins, Edward; Fox, Caterina
Cc: Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel; Maya Moed; eyaly; דן ברקוביץ; אבי ריקנטי
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group

Dear Ed

Please find attacched our questionnaire as requested. Please note that Dr. Berkovits will not be able to arrive with us. 

See you all soon.

All the best,


מאת: Watkins, Edward <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שלישי 22 מרץ 2022 21:15:01
‏‏אל: אבי ריקנטי; מיה רוס
עותק: Fox, Caterina; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel; Maya Moed; eyaly; דן ברקוביץ
‏‏נושא: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group

Great, Avi.

Option 2 it is.

We’ll take another turn on the agenda, finalize the venue, and enable the other preparations.

Also, a gentle reminder for visitors to complete the attached questionnaire by Wednesday so that we can process the paperwork in time.


We are excited that the meeting will happen, and soon!







From: אבי ריקנטי <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:26 PM
To: Watkins, Edward <>; מיה רוס <>
Cc: Fox, Caterina <>; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel <>; Maya Moed <>; eyaly <>; דן ברקוביץ <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


Hi Ed,


Thanks for the draft, and sorry for the delayed response.

We are looking forward and are very excited for the upcoming meeting, and are very happy with the proposed agenda. I agree with your proposal for option 2, meeting in a plenary mode, as I believe our presence is required in all sessions.

From our side we will encourage our PIs to contact their partners and prepare for our meeting.

As for the meeting with Tim Hallman, after lunch on the second day sounds good.

One update from our side, unfortunately Dan Berkovits will not be able to join us, but I will represent SNRC on his behalf.





Dr. Avraham Rikanati

Chief scientist

Israel Atomic Energy Commission





מאת: Watkins, Edward <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שישי 18 מרץ 2022 18:09
‏‏אל: מיה רוס; אבי ריקנטי
Fox, Caterina; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel; Maya Moed
RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


Avi and Maya,

  1. Attached is a draft agenda for the working group meeting. It includes two options for the first day.
  • Option 1 has breakout sessions for the 6 Areas, then rejoining in a plenary at the end of the day.
  • Option 2 keeps us all in a plenary mode throughout the meeting.

(Given coverage limits, I suggest we go with Option 2, and, were we to need for a few people to go off to complete a specific task in a side-bar discussion, we could do that.)

Day one focuses on the work to date, whereas day two focuses more on the work to be done.

Please let me know what you think of the agenda and your preferred option or if you have trouble opening/editing the document.


  1. Over the next two weeks, I’d like the Principal Investigators to collaborate in advance of the meeting, including preparing proposals for extensions, terminations, and priorities for new ideas. John Sarrao, Glenn Fox, and Erik Webb will reach out to their counterparts to coordinate this.


  1. Finally, Tim Hallman, the Department of Energy Office of Science’s Nuclear Physics Program Director may be available to meet Avi on day 2 after we wrap up the NNSA work. We can pursue this opportunity further if you would like.


Thanks so much,







From: mruss <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 2:18 PM
To: Watkins, Edward <>;
Cc: Fox, Caterina <>; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel <>; Maya Moed <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


Dear Ed

Thank youWe will send you the forms the soonest.  

Looking forward for our meeting 





Maya Russ

External Relations and International Cooperation
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Tel: +972.8.6858768





-------- הודעה מקורית --------

מאת: "Watkins, Edward" <>

תאריך: 15.3.2022 16:31 (GMT+01:00)

עותק: "Fox, Caterina" <>, "Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel" <>, Maya Moed <>

נושא: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group



For the visit, I need a completed questionnaire for each visitor, attached. The document also includes other documentation requirements for the visit.

It would be best to return these to me as soon as possible but no later than 23 March, next Wednesday.

I believe all 4 (Avi, Maya, Eyal, and Dan) are already in our “system,” so I don’t expect any complications but want the process to be complete.


FYI---I am still trying to secure a good venue.

Also, I will have a draft agenda for you by the end of the week as a starting point.


Thank you,






From: mruss <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 2:37 PM
To: Watkins, Edward <>;
Cc: Fox, Caterina <>; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel <>; Maya Moed <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


Dear Ed

Thanks for reaching out. As I have discussed this with Avi, who is on a mission, we are still planning to arrive to DC as planned. We have a green light for our discussions and future work


We are very excited and looking forward for our S&T meeting in order to plan ahead

Best regards
Maya and Avi




Maya Russ

External Relations and International Cooperation
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Tel: +972.8.6858768





-------- הודעה מקורית --------

מאת: "Watkins, Edward" <>

תאריך: 9.3.2022 19:31 (GMT+02:00)

עותק: "Fox, Caterina" <>, "Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel" <>, Maya Moed <>

נושא: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group



I understand there are possible delays to the JSC.

I continue planning for an 11-12 April meeting of the S&T, subject to your recommendation regarding whether it makes more sense for us to delay (to a date closer to the actual JSC) and/or wait for guidance from the new DG.


I hope all is well with you.


Thank you,







From: אבי ריקנטי <>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2022 6:58 AM
To: Watkins, Edward <>; מיה רוס <>
Cc: Fox, Caterina <>; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel <>; Maya Moed <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


Dear Ed,


Great news on the dates sent for our expected meeting. We are happy to arrive to DC, waiting for an enhanced and fruitful collaboration. The Israeli delegation will include (apart for myself and Maya), NRCN and SNRC chief scientists Dr. Eyal Yahel and Dr. Dan Berkovits. Together we represent the overall research of the IAEC.

Following the very good meeting held last December between the NNSA Administrator and the IAEC DG, we had an internal discussion regarding the way forward for our collaboration. We strongly believe that we can deepen our joint research and even expand to new areas. Therefor, we suggest that our first meeting should be in a small leaders scale with the purpose of planning ahead together the way forward for each of the scientific research areas. We think it will be best, if initially, you and I would shortly meet in private. Followed by a series of more focused meetings, each setting the path for a specific area. For these meetings, we can join forces with our chief scientists and your relevant people.

We suggest the following areas:

  1. Enhanced measurements technics, including both detectors and AI usage.
  2. Nuclear forensics.
  3. HEDP and EOS.
  4. Waste management.
  5. Material science and aging.
  6. Any other new areas of your interest for us to explore together.

We think your plan for a day and a half of meetings would be great and we are looking forward for your suggested agenda and comments.

My DG and I strongly believe in the great potential of this important collaboration from which both organizations would benefit greatly.

See you soon,




Dr. Avraham Rikanati

Chief scientist

Israel Atomic Energy Commission



מאת: Watkins, Edward <>
‏‏נשלח: יום שישי 18 פברואר 2022 21:53
‏‏אל: מיה רוס
Fox, Caterina; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel; אבי ריקנטי; Maya Moed
RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


We are targeting 11 April here in DC. It may need to include a half-day on 12 April to finish discussing new proposals. I envision a 20-35 person meeting, with 12-20 from the US side (2 from each Area + lab leads + Federal representatives, such as I).

  1. Venue:
  • Perhaps your hotel could accommodate. Let me know your preferred location, and I’ll seek to make arrangements. I understand you’ve used the Watergate in the past.
  • Requires 1 larger plenary room and ~3 smaller rooms for break-out sessions. Some of the Areas (1-6) may double-up.
  1. Pre-coordination of new ideas:
  • Let me know names and contact information of technical leads are so we (labs) can pre-validate potential new ideas to table on 11 April, so as to be efficient on 11-12 April.
  • We’ll set up conversations to develop these ideas and vet them on both sides beforehand, discarding or modifying as needed.
  • We’ll have a reduced list of these new topics to discuss on 11 April. The technical POCs will have come to some agreement by then.
  • The labs are building an initial list of ideas to potentially propose.
  1. Participants:
  • The labs currently are validating availability of participants who can be in DC 11-12 April.
  • I hope to have this list completed by 11 March, along with an initial rough list of proposed new topics.

Thank you,


From: מיה רוס <>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 9:28 AM
To: Watkins, Edward <>
Cc: Fox, Caterina <>; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel <>; אבי ריקנטי <>; Maya Moed <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group

Dear Ed

I truly appreciate your response and thoughts on the S&T meeting proposal.

After following up on your email with Avi, we would like to suggest having a small meeting in DC (or here in Israel upon your preference) in order to develop the S&T work plan and preparation towards the JSC.

Would the week of April 11th work for you and your team? (Unfortunately the week of 25 April is no longer an option).

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you again and all the best,


מאת: Watkins, Edward <>
‏‏נשלח: יום חמישי 10 פברואר 2022 19:40:52
‏‏אל: מיה רוס
Fox, Caterina; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel; אבי ריקנטי; Maya Moed
RE: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group


Good hearing from you.

With the JSC schedule move to June, we now are hoping again for an in-person S&T meeting. We think in-person meetings are of greater benefit for the technical discussions, and in this case we also prefer to have the pertinent scientists involved as well.

A late February/early March S&T meeting may work, but it would need to be in D.C., and we’d need to scope such a meeting, as that timeframe is somewhat tight, and participants would be limited, which may be fine.

Alternatively I am talking with our labs about the week of 25 April, which (at one point) had been the proposed JSC week. We’re discussing would-be desired scope, the right level and number of participants, and making sure we have an appropriate facility (in either location) to accommodate break-out sessions.

I think either approach will generate enough discussion to meet our objectives in support the JSC.

  • The advantage of the (earlier) smaller meeting is allowing enough time in the schedule to develop our plan for the JSC.
  • The advantage of the (later) larger meeting potentially achieves scientific collaboration that gets beyond the bounds of current projects.

For your objectives, do you prefer a smaller meeting with principals and lab leads only earlier in DC, or a potentially larger meeting in late April (either DC or Israel)?

Thanks so much.


Dr. Edward Watkins, Ph.D.

Assistant Deputy Administrator

Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (NA-22)

National Nuclear Security Administration

Department of Energy

1000 Independence Avenue S.W.

Washington, DC 20585


From: mruss <>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 4:50 AM
To: Watkins, Edward <>
Cc: Fox, Caterina <>; Blumenthal, Daniel (Embassy-Jerusalem) Director, DOE Israel <>; אבי ריקנטי <>; Maya Moed <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fw: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group

Dear Ed

Hope this finds you well and healthy.

I wanted to touch base, following my previous email, and check our opinions for in person meeting in order to plan ahead, as discussed, the work plan for S&T working group.

We are happy to welcome you in Israel but I can also suggest a short visit to Washington for Avi Rikanati, our Chief Scientist (with NRCN, SNRC's Chief Scientists and myself).

Should that be working for you, we are able to arrive to Washington for a short visit during the end of February or beginning of March.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

All the best


Maya Russ

External Relations and International Cooperation
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Tel: +972.8.6858768


מאת: מיה רוס
נשלח: יום שני 17 ינואר 2022 09:01
עותק: Fox, Caterina; אבי ריקנטי; Maya Moed
נושא: IAEC-NNSA - S&T Working Group

Dear Ed,

Hope this finds you well and in good health. We are in the midst of the Omicron outbreak in Israel (as it is worldwide), but we are still working from the office, stick to the regulations and hopefully as experts predict, in 3 weeks we will be back to our "normal" COVID routine.

I wanted to reach out again and invite you to Israel to the IAEC in order to prepare the S&T work plan prior to the JSC. As it seems at this point, a meeting at the end of February is feasible. (As for now – visitors need a short isolation of 24 hours or until they test negative on the PCR test taken upon arrival in Israel).

As mentioned before, we are also ready to travel to Washington if you think it’s a better option.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

All the best


Maya Russ

External Relations and International Cooperation
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Tel: +972.8.6858768


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