Date : 3/26/2021 7:47:24 PM
From : "eyaly"
To : "Shlachter, Jack"
Subject : Re: Synchrotron Experiments at Diamond Light Source
 Dear Jack,

Many thanks for your kind words.
We are fine and things are getting better in Israel, in terms of COVID19, much less in terms of politics.....
I hope your family are safe and hopefully we shall be able to meet soon.
Happy Pesach and much joy and health.
From: Shlachter, Jack <>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 10:36:39 PM
To: eyaly
Subject: RE: Synchrotron Experiments at Diamond Light Source

Dear Eyal:


I hope this message finds you in good health, and I want to wish you and your family a sweet and joyous Pesach.


Best regards,




Jack Shlachter

Deputy Strategic Partnerships Lead / Strategic Intelligence Partnerships Program

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Phone (631) 344-6320



Pronouns: he/him/his


From: eyaly <>
Sent: January 13, 2020 11:36 AM
To: Brown, Donald William <>; Tiferet Eitan <>; Shlachter, Jack <>
Cc: Carpenter, John S <>; Gena Rafailov <>
Subject: Re: Synchrotron Experiments at Diamond Light Source


Don and Jack,

Unfortunately I will be in the US on a pre-planned program.
Hence I will miss your visit.
Thanks for having Gennadi incorporated in the experiments.


From: Brown, Donald William <>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 5:50:25 PM
To: Tiferet Eitan
Cc: eyaly; Shlachter, Jack; Carpenter, John S; Gena Rafailov
Subject: RE: Synchrotron Experiments at Diamond Light Source




Let’s plan on meeting on the 27th.  If we need more time, I will be there on the 24th, but LANL allows us a jet lag day and I intend to use the 24th for that.






From: Tiferet Eitan <>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2020 12:25 PM
To: Brown, Donald William <>
Cc:; Shlachter, Jack <>; Carpenter, John S <>; Gena Rafailov <>
Subject: Re: Synchrotron Experiments at Diamond Light Source


Dear Don

Sounds great

Regarding Visa for Gennady, I think it will be fine. UK Visa is not essential for Israeli citizens (I got the wrong impression that we are talking about US synchrotron).


Thanks for incorporating Gennady in Reeju's experiment during March.

I understand, we will not prep EBM samples. 


You are more than welcome to visit, and if you can give a talk, it will be great. 

An intense session with gennady is also in place, He will send you some of the last data so everybody will be on the same page.

Let me know if it fits better prior or after the 25-26, let's talk details later.





Eitan Tiferet, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Materials Department, NRCN


Additive Manufacturing R&D Center, Head

Rotem Industries Ltd.






בתאריך יום ו׳, 10 בינו׳ 2020 ב-20:21 מאת ‪Brown, Donald William <‪‏>:

Eitan et al.,


I spoke with the Diamond user office this morning. They have no problem getting Gennady onsiteBut I am pretty certain he will have to get a visa. They will provide a letter for him, but only after all members of the team register for the experiment and watch a training video. I will try to get a link out to that ASAPI have no idea how long it takes to get a visa to the UK or if Brexit will hinder it


I looks to me like Gennady is planning a visit to Los Alamos in MarchReeju has time at the NSLSII march 26-28 and Gennady would be welcome to participate in that as wellI just talked to their user office and as long as we get him registered soon, he should be able to get access. This experiment will be heating AM material insitu similar to what we did at CHESS a year or so ago.    


Regarding samples, when we tried to do in-situ heat treating of EBM Ti at CHESS we failed because the grains are large (because the material stays hot so long). So I am not sure it is a good use of resources to make EBM samples, but if you want to try, I will try to get you the STL file.


Finally, I am pretty sure I will be coming to Israel February 25 and 26. It is a long way to come for a 2 day meeting and I would be interested in sticking around an extra day or 2 to collaborate, in particular to advance the paper on insitu heat treating with GennadyI have never given a technical seminar while over there and would be happy to do so if there was interest. Please let me know what you think.







From: Tiferet Eitan <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 2:13 PM
To: Brown, Donald William <>
Cc:; Shlachter, Jack <>; Carpenter, John S <>; Sarrao, John Louis <>; Gena Rafailov <>
Subject: Re: Synchrotron Experiments at Diamond Light Source


Dear Don

Thank you for this offer.

I spoke with Eyal and he agreed that it would be a good opportunity for Gennady to join this session.
Please instruct us regarding the paperwork (I do remember some problems that Gennady encountered while trying to participate in the APS experiments).
Regarding the samples, we will be happy to prep Ti64 EBM samples with the same geometry.
If you would like, send us the STL and we will prepare them ASAP.
We printed some samples for Ibo’s group, from fine powder. It could be interesting to print lattice with that powder. I can consult with Ibo and Morris.



Eitan Tiferet, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Materials Department, NRCN


Additive Manufacturing R&D Center, Head

Rotem Industries Ltd.







בתאריך יום ג׳, 7 בינו׳ 2020 ב-23:44 מאת ‪Brown, Donald William <‪‏>:

Dear Eyal and Eitan,


At the last NNSA/IAEC planning meeting last summer, there was discussion of collaborations on AM Lattice Structures. We have some experiments scheduled at Diamond Light Source the first week of AprilI would like to invite you (or someone you delegate) to join us at Diamond to participate in these experiments. I don’t know Gennadi’s status at the moment, but he would certainly be a useful addition to the team. I have attached the proposal that was awarded beamtime for your information. The work we do does not have to stick to that to the letter, but it should be close.


The lattice structures we study will be Ti64 and we are planning on making both stretch dominated and bend dominated geometries, but we will see if we can get both those samples madeIf you had some samples of interest we could discuss this as well. We would have to start paperwork very soon, but you would also be welcome to come to Los Alamos immediately before the experiments for pre-experiment testing of the samples, again assuming the samples are prepped far enough in advance.


The plan is for LLNL (Ibo Matthews) to be part of these experiments as wellThey will provide a couple distinct samples. I know there was talk of IAEC collaborating with them as well, but I don’t know the status of that.


Please let me know if you are interested.


Best Regards,


Don Brown

Scientist 5 and Scattering Team Leader

