Date : 2/15/2022 3:22:34 AM
From : "eyaly"
To : "BIGNAN Gilles 119822" , "מיה רוס" , "GAIGNEBET Valerie 254747"
Cc : "HOURCADE Edouard 200994" , "FERRY Lionel 202873"
Subject : Re: IAEC/ROTEM participation to the next JHR seminar April 2022
Attachment : 20481_image001.png;20481_image002.jpg;20481_image003.png;20481_image005.png;

Dear Gilles, 

As you suggested, I believe the best is that the CEA (you?) will present shortly the work that was done. 

Since it involve many details which are technical in nature, a short (few slides) presentation would be sufficient. 

I will appreciate reviewing the relevant slides in advance. 

To my best understanding, relevant IAEC personnel will attend the seminar in a remote mode. 


Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: BIGNAN Gilles 119822 <>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 9:33:41 AM
To: eyaly; מיה רוס; GAIGNEBET Valerie 254747
Cc: HOURCADE Edouard 200994; FERRY Lionel 202873
Subject: IAEC/ROTEM participation to the next JHR seminar April 2022

Dear Eyal


OK well noted for putting you in the loop on any JHR reltaed event.


Thansk for preparing these nominations of representatives in JHR WGs


As for the seminar, IAEC/ROTEM has made a huge work last year to complete the documentation, has participated in several expert reviews with CEA and FRAMATOME and the idea was to present a short summary of this ; I am fully aware that the LORELEI team has vanished so CEA can present the topic if you prefer (maybe Avner if still in the loop could do the job…) : tell me your opinion…


Please find enclosed the last version of the agenda for distribution


Keep in touch



De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : samedi 12 février 2022 21:02
À : BIGNAN Gilles 119822 <>; מיה רוס <>; GAIGNEBET Valerie 254747 <>
Objet : Re: Happy New Year 2022


Dear Gilles, 


Thanks for your message.


Following the completion of IAEC role in the LORELIE loop, I took upon myself all topics related to JHR.

The Covid-19 and its variants, made participation in the seminars and related events difficult. 

In addition, we should replace our representatives in the JHR WG. 

I hope to nominate soon people to replace Yshai (Tech. group), Shlomo Harush (Mat. group) and maybe Michael Aizenstein (Fuel group). 

Hence, it is important that I will be copied to all events related to JHR.


As for the coming seminar, what do you expect us to present regarding LORELIE. 

Please ask Valerie (cc'd) to send me the seminar agenda to be distributed to relevant people at NRCN.





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190


From: BIGNAN Gilles 119822 <>
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 11:06:34 AM
To: מיה רוס
Cc: eyaly
Subject: RE: Happy New Year 2022


Dear Maya and Eyal


Thanks for your message ; I am OK still working from home 4 days/week…


I hope that all of you are fine and that soon we will be back to a « normal life »…


Yes the JHR technical seminar is confirmed and our assistant Valerie has just send the annoucement last Monday (see enclosed) :It will be organised in hybrid mode but I really hope that the IAEC colleagues will be able to come to Aix-en-Provence !


I heard that the next high level joint committee is foreseen early June in Soreq and I will try to attend (I have a conflict to solve with the European FISA conference at the same time)


All the Best




De : mruss <>
Envoyé : lundi 7 février 2022 17:35
À : BIGNAN Gilles 119822 <>
Cc : eyaly <>
Objet : FW: Happy New Year 2022



Dear Gilles, 


Hope you are well and keep healthy during this period of rapid growth of COVID variant. 

We are working at the office but keeping social distance and doing our best to stay healthy.  


As we are looking forward to 2022 JHR program, I wanted to touch base and ask if the seminar will take place as planned? 

Eyal Yahel (cc'ed) is leading on this so please make sure he is updated.  


Looking forward to hearing from you. 


All the best 




Maya Russ

External Relations and International Cooperation
Israel Atomic Energy Commission
Tel: +972.8.6858768





-------- הודעה מקורית --------

מאת: GAIGNEBET Valerie 254747 <>

תאריך: 5.1.2022 10:37 (GMT+02:00)

אל: '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Eyal YAHEL' <>, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', STOHR Philippe <>, '', '', "''" <>, "''" <>, SARRADE Stephane <>, "Marc NOEL (" <>

עותק: COULON Jean-Pierre 101178 <>, EMOND David 260257 <>, LIBESSART Marion 262969 <>, HELIAS Isabelle <>, CHAUVIN Jean-Pierre 121484 <>, BIGNAN Gilles 119822 <>, BLANC Jean-Yves <>, VANDENBERGHE Valerie <>

נושא: Happy New Year 2022


On behalf of David Emond




Dear JHR Consortium member,


On behalf of the whole JHR team, I am pleased to wish you a very Happy New Year 2022 for you and your relatives. I also hope you will remain safe and avoid the COVID pandemic.


Despite the sanitary context, 2021 was highlighted by significant progress on JHR construction and I would mention the 3 following topics :

-        Factory acceptance tests of the fuel assemblies for the 2nd JHR core last July ,

-        Completion of the pools liner in the Auxiliary Nuclear Building last November,

-        Issuance of the Safety Report to the French regulator (ASN) and its technical support (IRSN) last December.


Moreover, it is also important to emphasize the work performed by the project team with main subcontractors in finalizing some detailed design studies in order to freeze the 3D model.


Significant progress has also been done on the completion of hot cells and the continuous actions on experimental capacities, with progress towards delivering and performing Acceptance Tests of NDE benches in Cadarache, as well as the development of experimental devices.


Let me also mention the noticeable achievements by the three working groups and their efforts to prepare the first international joint programs either within the Euratom framework (JHOP2040 project) or within the new FIDES framework by the OECD/NEA.


I am fully confident that 2022 will continue leading us to significant achievements.


I take the opportunity to announce the following events in accordance with our last Governing Board meeting:


-     The next Scientific and Technical seminar on experimental capacity will take place in Cadarache Castle or in Aix-en-Provence (connection by phone or Internet possible for teleworkers) from Tuesday 5th April until Thursday 7th April (noon to noon),

-     The next Governing Board meeting will take place in Cadarache Castle ( connection by phone or Internet possible for teleworkers) from Monday 30th May until Tuesday 31st May (noon to noon) ;


Please book your calendar for the next Governing Board meeting and share the information on the scientific and technical seminar throughout your organization; you will soon receive more information about these events.


Wishing us all a fruitful collaboration inside our JHR Consortium,


With my best regards,


David Emond


JHR Project Leader








Directeur du projet RJH / JHR Project Director

) + 33 6 11 39 74 91 (mob)


BV2 – Chantier RJH – BP9

13115 Saint Paul lez Durance










Assistante Projet RJH

Direction de Projet
Réacteur Jules Horowitz


Tél :

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