Date : 10/31/2019 2:53:48 AM
From : "eyaly"
To : "Michal Arbel Haddad"
Subject : Re: news on collaboration ?
Attachment : 20738_image001.jpg;20738_image002.jpg;
 נפגשנו בשבוע שעבר עם גאן איב
יש גם אצלנו אור ירוק לעבודה.
המימון יהיה מתחילת 2020
From: Michal Arbel Haddad <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2019 6:36:10 PM
To: eyaly
Subject: Fwd: news on collaboration ?

שלום אייל,
מצב ההתכתבות שלי עם עמיתי מה- CEA מהשבוע האחרון. לדבריו קיבלו אור ירוק מז'אן-איב בלנק לתחילת העבודה.
האם קיבלת עדכון מיוני בנושא? 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
מאת: LAMBERTIN David <>
‪Date: יום ד׳, 30 באוק׳ 2019 ב-17:24‬
Subject: RE: news on collaboration ?
To: Michal Arbel Haddad <>

Dear Michal


I have received the approval from Jean Yves Blanc, we can start to discuss about the work


Do you find a studend for this project ?


I will send this information to Sylvie Delpech


Best regards






De : Michal Arbel Haddad <>
Envoyé : dimanche 27 octobre 2019 18:51
À : LAMBERTIN David <>
Objet : Fwd: news on collaboration ?


Bonjour David,

I had the opportunity to briefly present the proposed collaboration topic last Thusday at the IAEC head offices. It seems that there is interest and intent to support the collaboration from  our side. However the formal OK will only be given after the meeting of the CEA/IAEC steering committee, which was due to take place in November but had been delayed to Early January.

Our head scientist will try to speak with JeanYves Blanc to possibly obtain an earlier approval for this specific project, which seems to be the only new project this year. I will let you know if I have any news on this topic. 


Best regards,



---------- Forwarded message ---------
מאת: Michal Arbel Haddad <>
‪Date: יום ג׳, 22 באוק׳ 2019 ב-7:53
Subject: Re: news on collaboration ?
To: LAMBERTIN David <>


Bonjour David,

We are returning today from our New Year holidays. I have been told before the holiday that the steering comitee which was planned to meet in November may be delayed to January. Still, the preperatory IAEC meeting for the steering commitee will take place on schedule later this week.

I  am attaching the short presentation which I have prepared for this preparatory meeting. Please feel free to comment on it.

I believe that I will have more precise news after the meeting on Thursday.


All the Best,



בתאריך יום ב׳, 21 באוק׳ 2019 ב-17:32 מאת ‪LAMBERTIN David <‪‏>:

Dear Michal


Do you have any new informations about our collaboration because it seems that CEA and IAEC will discuss soon and i would like to update for this discussion










Ingénieur R&D

Direction de l'Energie Nucléaire

Département de recherche sur les technologies pour l’Enrichissement, le Démantèlement et les Déchets

Service d’Etude des technologies pour l’Assainissement-Démantèlement et l’Etanchéité

Laboratoire d’étude des Ciments et Bitumes pour le Conditionnement

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