Date : 1/10/2021 12:48:58 PM
From : "eyaly"
To : "Tiferet Eitan"
Subject : Re: Happy new year!


לאיזה סוג של אישור את ממתין? 

אתה מוזמן לשלוח לו דגמים לקלורמטריה - נראה גם לי שנלמד מזה משהו, ולגבי רזוננס אולטראסאונד, בזבנו בדקנו את השיטה ללימוד של נזקי קרינה.

זו מערכת בפותחה בלוס אלמוס (נדמה לי) והיה קושי רב להוציא ממנה את הקבועים האלסטיים. המערכת מודדת רזוננסים (ולכן הוא מבקש דגים ספציפיים) ועל בסיס מודל מחשבים את הקבועים.

Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: Tiferet Eitan <>
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2021 10:57:06 AM
To: eyaly
Subject: Fwd: Happy new year!
שלום אייל
במסגרת הפסח חבר מהשבתון שהוא פרופ' בוושינגטון הציע שנעשה קלורימטריה על דגמי ריבוד. זה מתחבר לאנרגית יצירה ויכול להיות מועיל.
ראה מיילים מטה לפרטים
אנא אישורך

---------- Forwarded message ---------
מאת: Tiferet Eitan <>
‪Date: יום ג׳, 5 בינו׳ 2021, 20:48‬
Subject: Re: Happy new year!
To: Guo, Xiaofeng <>

Dear Xiaofeng
Very well
I will be happy to send you some samples, it is the easy part.
Ti64 we have ready to ship, SS 316L should be ready in a month or so.
Yet, should we have a short literature review in the meantime?
I think DHF will help our study on normalised enthalpy. Attached please find a nice paper (not ours unfortunately....) we looked into and some calculations which we use.
Please let me know what you think is the best way to move forward.
Thanks and Best Regards

בתאריך יום א׳, 3 בינו׳ 2021, 20:16, מאת Guo, Xiaofeng ‏<>:

Dear Eitan,


Great to hear from you too! Hope the vaccines can be game changes if we have a wider public acceptance, which is an issue here in US.


For the samples you mentioned, in fact, we are certainly very interested in the additive materials! As you are familiar with the calorimetry, we can do the DHf of them. In additional, I recently developed the resonant ultrasonic spectroscopy (RUS) capability, from which one can know the elastic constants and I am pushing the system for studying temperature in situ to 1000 C. What information you would like to know about the samples? We only need ~ 100 mg of samples for calorimetry and a high symmetric shape dense sample (cube or cylinder) for RUS.


Looking forward to hearing from you and again best wishes to you and your family,



From: Tiferet Eitan <>
Date: Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 5:39 AM
To: Guo, Xiaofeng <>
Subject: Re: Happy new year!

Dear Xiaofeng

It is a pleasure to hear from you!

As 2020 just finally left,  I wish you and your family a happy and fruitful new year.

If you will ever need some printed metal samples (SS or Ti) please let me know :-)

Best wishes


Eitan Tiferet, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist

Powder Metallurgy group, Head

Materials Department, NRCN


Additive Manufacturing R&D Center, Head

Rotem Industries Ltd.







בתאריך שבת, 2 בינו׳ 2021 ב-4:18 מאת ‪Guo, Xiaofeng <‪‏>:

Dear Eitan, 


Hope you are doing great in Israel and you and your family are enjoying a great holiday! It was a privilege and pleasure to work with you in many papers in the past; )  Looking forward to greater work and achievement (which surely will be better than 2020)! 


Wish you have warm holidays and Happy 2021!


Best regards, 



Xiaofeng Guo
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Alexandra Navrotsky Institute for Experimental Thermodynamics

Washington State University
Pullman, WA  99164-4630
Office: Fulmer Hall, Room 630
Phone: 509-335-7439