Date : 10/22/2018 7:05:41 PM
From : "eyaly"
To : "מיה רוס"
Cc : ""
Subject : Fw: Research topics for JRC-IAEC collaboration

מצאתי את המייל הזה מיוני.....

האם יש טעם להמשיך?

Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: Eyal Yahel <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2018 11:26 PM
Cc:; Roberto Caciuffo;; eyaly;
Subject: Re: Research topics for JRC-IAEC collaboration
Dear Said, 

Thanks for your update. 

I will wait for Jean-Paul's email regarding the scientific collaboration. 


בתאריך יום ד׳, 20 ביוני 2018, 20:06, מאת ‏<>:

Dear Eyal,

Jean Paul will contact you and complement my message.  

We were very busy the last period with the preparation of the new EU Multi annual financial framework 2012-2027 that was adopted few days ago.

We will now launch the internal consultation for the extension of our MoU. In mean time I will ask for a slot in the council of EU to inform about this extension (this is a normal  part of the process).

I would also propose that we meet in September as we did last years at the margin of the IAEA GC to review the status of the cooperation. Hope that Andrea will recover soon and back to office as he was helping a lot from our side on the coordination of our cooperation.

Best regards





From: Eyal Yahel []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Research topics for JRC-IAEC collaboration


Dear all, 


A kind reminder of my last email. 






בתאריך שבת, 12 במאי 2018, 12:57, מאת Eyal Yahel ‏<>:

Dear Jean-Paul, 


It took me a while before getting back to you, as I was waiting for new dates of the steering committee.

To my best understanding, these are at the end of 2018, however still tentative.


From your mail and attached summary of the projects (new and running), 

I understand that the JRC is re-considering its work-plan due to possible changes within the EU.

Nevertheless, I was hoping for a more positive outcome regarding our IAEC-JRC scientific collaboration, 

under the MOU (which is about to be extended in the coming weeks)


It is important to note that the scientific collaboration is highly valued by the IAEC centers, 

NRCN which I represent and SNRC, represented by their chief scientist Dr. Eli Sarid.

This is due to the high level of the JRC scientists and the interesting and important topics we choose to pursue. 

I also would like to point that in most of the topics in which we collaborate on, we had fruitful scientific activity, 

resulted in many peer-reviewed papers and joint presentation.


We understand that FY2017 (and FY2018) were stretched in terms of resource allocation by the JRC. 


In order to move on, I kindly wish to understand the JRCJ position regarding the IAEC-JRC joint scientific collaboration.

In particular, to explore the possibility to renew our partnership before the end of 2018 and to define new topics for the coming years. 


In case the scientific collaboration is considered to be important by both parties, how do you think we should proceed in practice?

I can suggest a meeting in Israel or in Europe, followed E-mail exchange on possible directions.


Best Wishes, 





On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 5:25 PM, <> wrote:

Sorry, here the document promised before




Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 3:23 PM
To: 'Eyal Yahel'
Subject: RE: Research topics for JRC-IAEC collaboration


Dear Eyal


Sorry for our late reply, we hope you are doing well.

We had in the mean time an internal discussion with the colleagues in charge concerning the status of running collaborations and potential new projects, referring to your list in the mail below. In the attached document you can find their comments. There was a consensus that the expansion of our program could be very difficult mainly the new subjects, that you propose in your mail, i.e..

- Thermohydraulics for safety in reactors (mainly research reactors)

- Corrosion in structural materials for reactors (mainly research reactors)

- Calculations on Actinide systems (DFT, ab-intio DFT, DMFT etc.).

- Explore new subjects related to Actinide chemistry.

We are in a phase of renewing our framework program, including new decisions on resource allocation by our member states. At the same time as you certainly know we are about to lose one of the most important "nuclear" member states. Therefore we are at this moment very careful when making any new commitment before we have a clearer picture of our future FP.

Regarding your proposal to meet in view of the SC preparation, I suggest to have it possibly the day before


Best regards





From: Eyal Yahel []
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2018 4:34 PM
Cc: מיה רוס; mbenavi; yonatan

Subject: Re: Research topics for JRC-IAEC collaboration


Dear Jean-Paul and Roberto, 


I Hope you had great holiday and my mail finds you well. 


This is a kind reminder to you, to address my previous mail which lists potential new topics for our long standing collaboration.

Jean-Paul replied that the list (tentatively agreed by PI's on both sides) should be checked (please see J-P's mail at the end of this message).


The steering committee (SC) tentative dates are approaching, namely mid March. 

Hence, it is essential to verify if these topics are relevant for JRC-IAEC bi-lateral collaboration.


I am re-affirming my proposal to have a short visit to Europe (Brussels or Karlsruhe) to prepare the SC if you find it beneficial.





On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 7:17 PM, Eyal Yahel <> wrote:

Dear Jean-Paul, 


I hope this mail finds you well.


Some projects in the bilateral cooperation are expected to end this year. 

We would like to explore new directions as well as re-initiate the successful ones which are currently on going.

I believe that it is importance to establish soon a list of topics which are of interest to both parties, to be approved by the next steering committee.


We are looking forward to receive comments on the list of projects I sent. 

So, this is a reminder of my previous mail. 


A tentative meeting of the high level steering committee is scheduled to beginning of March 


Best Wishes, 



On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:12 PM, Eyal Yahel <> wrote:

Dear Jean-Paul, 


We are in the midst of our high holidays and I was spending time with the family.

I am happy to learn that you also enjoyed your summer vacation and related to your mail, hope the EU will overcome the BREXIT event 

(a bit out of our focus :) )


We appreciate your mail to re-affirm the importance of the bi-lateral collaboration between the JRC and IAEC research centers.

I'm looking forward to extend on-going projects and initiate new ideas. 

I will wait for your detailed reply.


If you think that a short visit + meetings will help to better coordinate the topics, I will be happy to make the trip. 

Alternatively, I invite you to visit us (the winter in Israel is magnificent).


Best Wishes



On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 12:39 PM, <> wrote:

Dear Eyal


It's me who has to apologize for my late reply to your mail. In fact I was on holiday until middle of September and I hope you could enjoy your holidays as well. In the mean time I started to check your proposal with my colleagues (not fully completed). As you may know we have at the EU  a 2 years extension (2019-2020) of our framework program and from 2021 a new framework program in front of us and unfortunately at the same time the BREXIT negotiations, which could have a significant impact especially on the available resources for our research activities.

We are of course very much interested to continue our very fruitful collaboration and soon come back to you with our comments on your proposal including a possible visit to clarify open issues


Best regards




From: Eyal Yahel []
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 9:11 PM
Cc: Elazar Sarid; מיה רוס; mbenavi
Subject: Re: Research topics for JRC-IAEC collaboration


Dear Jean-Paul, 


A reminder of the mail I sent few weeks ago.

I think it is time to have the subjects included in both parties' workplan for 2018.


Please don't hesitate to contact me in case we need to clarify issues.


Best Regards, 




On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 11:12 PM, Eyal Yahel <> wrote:

Dear Jean-Paul,


I hope this mail finds you well and you managed to have some vacation.

At the end of the last steering committee held at Brussels last March we agreed to mutually explore new topics for the next years.

My apologies for being slow in returning to you.


We have constructed a list of potential new projects, in addition to few projects that are ongoing.

Some of the new ideas are a continuation of projects that ended in 2016 or will end by 2017.


Below please find the projects (with titles) which both PI's (JRC and IAEC) are interested to launch in 2018:


- R. Casiuffo (Karlsruhe) and I Halevy (NRCN) - Ariel survey of radiation (New)

- R. Casiuffo (Karlsruhe) and I Halevy (NRCN) - Electronic structure of Actinides (Renew)

- R. Casiuffo (Karlsruhe) and I. Zilbermann - Basic Coordination Chemistry of Actinides (Concluded). We wish to explore new subjects related to Actinide chemistry, and maybe Roberto can help on that.


- B. Peterson (ISPRA) and A. Ocherashvilli (NRCN) - Decommissioning and nuclear waste characterization using active and passive neutron interrogation techniques (New)


- K. Mayer (Karlsruhe) and E. Elish (NRCN) - Elemental and isotopic signatures of selected trace elements (On-Going)

- K. Mayer (Karlsruhe) and I. Halevy (NRCN) - Age dating of large uranium particles (On-Going)


- P. Moretto (IET) and S. Pevzner (NRCN) - On the kinetics of Hydrogen Gas Scavenging via Catalyzed Hydrogenation of solid composites (On-Going)


- T. Gouder (Karlsruhe) and S. Zalkind (NRCN) - Study of hydrogen production through the interaction of reactive gases (H2O, H2, O2 ) with uranium doped ceria (New)


- A. Plompen Geel) and A. Kreisel - Double differential cross section measurements of deuterons upto 40 MeV (New)  


Also we would like to extend the collaboration to the following topics: 

- Thermohydraulics for safety in reactors (mainly research reactors)

- Corrosion in structural materials for reactors (mainly research reactors)

- Calculations on Actinide systems (DFT, ab-intio DFT, DMFT etc.).


Your comments on the above suggestions are greatly appreciate.  


If you find that a short visit is in place, we will be happy to host you in Israel or we can come to Karlsruhe, to your convenience.





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190