Date : 2/21/2020 8:58:36 PM
From : "Moon, Joan"
To : "" , "" , "" , "" , ""
Subject : Peer Case Consultation: Group 9

Hi Group 9,


My name is Joan Moon and I’m a Master of Public Policy graduate at the Kennedy school. I’ve worked closely with Brian Mandell for many years and am currently the head of negotiation coaching at the Kennedy School Negotiation Project. As a student, I enrolled in Tim’s course and have since worked with him on coaching in small groups, including training his course assistants in coaching.

I’ll be working with you on Wednesday morning in your peer case consultation time (8-9am). This means on Monday and Tuesday you will be responsible for facilitating the process that Tim modeled today without a faculty facilitator/coach. Let me know if you have any questions about how to structure that process ahead of time. At the minimum, I’d recommend that you decide in advance who will present their case and who on the team will act as a process lead (time keeper, using the white board to map discussions/stakeholders, etc.). Additionally, if you feel comfortable, please circulate your challenges to each other so the group can read in advance.


Ahead of our session together on Wednesday, I wanted to ask if anyone would like to volunteer to present their case on Wednesday morning? If yes, please reply all and let us know.


We’ll follow the same process that Tim modeled this morning and I’ll act as a facilitator/time keeper. Please bring the “Peer Case Consultation Method” packet with you so that we can use it as a guide.


Looking forward to working together!




Joan Moon

Harvard Kennedy School