Date : 1/5/2023 7:15:15 AM
From : "Li, Haoyu"
To : "Li, Haoyu"
Cc : "Tissot, Francois"
Subject : Uranium Isotope Database - Your input needed
Attachment : UID_introduction.pdf;

Dear Uranium isotope (geo)chemist,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Haoyu Li, and I am a geochemistry graduate student at Caltech working with Prof. Francois Tissot. I am reaching out as you have published at least one paper on U isotopes, and thus we need your feedback!
We have recently developed a comprehensive Uranium Isotope Database (UID), which we hope will be of use to the community. 

I am sending this email since your paper(s) have been compiled in the UID, and we (the developers of the UID) would like to invite you to review the accuracy of the data in the UID pertaining to your publications. (See attached PDF for more details on the UID and a simple step-by-step for reviewing your data in the UID).

Once you have double-checked the accuracy of the data, please reply to this email ( or contact us at We will correct any typos and add a seal of approval by marking the data as “Reviewed by the authors” (column M in the Reference tab).

Interested in getting involved in the UID? 
In the long-term, we hope to the see UID grow from the simple database presented here into a more extensive tool. This includes the development of an online and interactive searchable database with built-in visualization capabilities, as well as a streamlined protocol for data submission, review, and incorporation into the UID. With constructive feedback and involvement from the community, we expect that the UID can become a more community-involved resource, maintained for and by the community, and whose impact will reach far into the broader geochemical community. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any feedback and ideas, and whether you would like to participate in the future maintenance and development of the UID.
Thank you for your time and attention! We sincerely appreciate your contribution to the UID and are looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

Haoyu Li
Graduate Student in Geochemistry
California Institute of Technology | Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences
E: | T: 626-200-5929