Date : 11/21/2021 4:36:05 PM
From : "Arnon Rubinshtein"
To : "Ronald Berger-Lefébure"
Subject : Re: Next stop @Dimona
Attachment : 8524_image001.jpg;

Hello Ronald,

I just noticed that Kevin is planned to leave on Saturday Dec. 11.
Please note, that there is no public transportation on Saturday's until evening (about 7pm).

So, he wont be able to get to the airport !!!!!
Taxi from Dimona to the airport probably will cost at least 150 euros.

You probably should consider to change the itinerary to Friday noon or Sunday. 

Let me know what you have decided.


Arnon A. Rubinshtein
NRCN, P.O. Box 9001
Beer-Sheva 84190, Israel.
Tel: +972-50-6244294.

From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2021, 17:56
To: Arnon Rubinshtein
Subject: RE: Next stop @Dimona

Thank you very much Arnon for your prompt reply.


With my best regards,





De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : dimanche 21 novembre 2021 16:54
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Objet : Re: Next stop @Dimona


Hi Ronald,


I spoke with the hotel, and ask for a proposal.

Hopefully I"ll get it in the next coming days.

BTW, breakfast is included.


Regarding picking up Kevin from/to hotel, it wont be a problem and, it will be our pleasure.





Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, P.O. Box 9001

Beer-Sheva 84190, Israel.


Tel: +972-50-6244294.


From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2021, 13:20
To: Arnon Rubinshtein
Subject: Next stop @Dimona


Hi Arnon,


I have booked flights with Air France – quite expensive 2 weeks before departure and due to recent borders opening.


Could you please help me to make hotel reservations ? I have selected Desert Sounds Hotel which is the most convenient and seems to be nice, according to pictures.


May be you could obtain the best price for my team rather than me via the Web site.


The schedule is as follow :


  • Gérôme Daures and Yannis Chibane arriving on Saturday December 4th afternoon – departure 8th morning => 4 nights
  • Kevin Boudoulec arriving on Monday 6th afternoon – departure 11th morning => 5 nights
  • Standard single rooms – I believe breakfast may be included


Gérôme and Yannis will rent a car however Kevin does not have driving licence. So he will have to take the train from and to the airport.


So would you be kind enough to pick up Kevin to Industrial park Rotem ?


Thank you for your support and please let me know if you need Passport numbers and additional info.


With my best regards,





De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : jeudi 18 novembre 2021 19:52
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Objet : Re: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Hello Ronald,


Please find 3 hotel options:


  1. Leonardo Negev Beersheba (Henrietta Szold St 4, Be'er Sheva, 08-640-5444), about 45min drive to Industrial park Rotem. 


  1. Desert Sounds Hotel (Ariel Sharon st. 1, Dimona, Israel. Tel: 972-8-6556811,,  about 15min drive to Industrial park Rotem. 


  1. Dead sea hotels at Ein Bokek (Large variety), about 45min drive to Industrial park Rotem. 


By the way, for the Liquid kit except to pressured gas (Nitrogen) and D.I water does anything else needed ?


Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, P.O. Box 9001

Beer-Sheva, Israel 84190


Tel: +972-50-6244294

From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2021 8:13:34 PM
To: Arnon Rubinshtein
Subject: RE: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Hi Arnon,


Thank you for our tonight exchange and find attached our ICD document.


With my best regards,





De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : lundi 15 novembre 2021 17:43
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Objet : Re: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Please find the link for "Teams" meeting:



Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, P.O. Box 9001

Beer-Sheva 84190, Israel.

Tel: +972-50-6244294.

From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2021 8:06:04 PM
To: Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Subject: RE: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


OK Arnon – will reach you this week and let you know before if OK for you. Best, Ronald


De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : dimanche 14 novembre 2021 18:36
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Objet : Re: Follow up - NRCN LIBS




Usually after 6pm local time (5pm in Paris).



Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, P.O. Box 9001

Beer-Sheva 84190, Israel.

Tel: +972-50-6244294.

From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2021 7:33:17 PM
To: Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Subject: RE: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Hello Arnon,


Thank you for your message well received. When and at what time would you be available this week ?


With my best regards,




De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : vendredi 12 novembre 2021 08:27
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Objet : Re: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Hello Ronald,


I've noticed that the message haven't went through, terribly sorry. 


My Skype profile is:


Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84190


From: Arnon Rubinshtein
Sent: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 7:01:49 PM
To: Ronald Berger-Lefébure
Subject: Re: Follow up - NRCN LIBS



Not familiar with "Teams" but let me check the Skype option.


Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, P.O. Box 9001

Beer-Sheva 84190, Israel.

Tel: +972-50-6244294.


From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 17:28
To: Arnon Rubinshtein
Subject: RE: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Thank you Arnon. Is it possible to schedule a Skype or Teams,… call at least at once and beginning ?


Best, Ronald


De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : mardi 9 novembre 2021 15:15
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Objet : Re: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Hi Roland,


Usually I'm free after 6pm local time (7pm, Paris)


Either by mail or phone.



Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84190




From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 15:15
To: Arnon Rubinshtein
Cc: eyaly; '
בהלקר שירי'
Subject: Follow up - NRCN LIBS


Hello Arnon,


Thank you very much for your message. When is it possible to Teams in order to exchange about our next step @IL NRCN ?


With my best regards,





De : Arnon Rubinshtein <>
Envoyé : dimanche 31 octobre 2021 19:27
À : eyaly <>; Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Cc : 'בהלקר שירי' <>
Objet : Re: NRCN LIBS


Hello Ronald,


I'll be more than happy to coordinate your visit in Israel. 

Please feel free to contact me via e-mail or by phone.


Looking forward,


Arnon A. Rubinshtein

NRCN, Beer-Sheva, Israel 84190




From: eyaly
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2021 8:03:19 PM
To: Ronald Berger-Lefébure
Cc: A. Rubinshtein; '
בהלקר שירי'; Arnon Rubinshtein
Subject: Re: NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald,


We have received the 2 days agenda for the visit at Saclay and Cadarache.

We have only few hours at Saclay on Monday, and the schedule is extremely tight.

If you want to try "catch" us, I suggest you will be in contact with Jean-Yves Blanc.


Arnon (cc'd) will be our POC for all matters regarding the arrival of your people for installing the LIBS, make some calibrations (if needed) and instruct us on the operation. 

We are anxious to start working with it. 





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190


From: eyaly
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2021 10:23:25 PM
To: Ronald Berger-Lefébure
Cc: A. Rubinshtein; '
בהלקר שירי'
Subject: Re: NRCN LIBS


Dear Ronald, 

I don't have the 2 day agenda of the visit (except that it is planned for the Nov 8-9th (8th in Saclay and 9th in Cadarache).

So, I am not sure about the meeting (though I love to have coffee with you)

I'll get back once I have more details


In the meantime, I would like Arnon (CC'd)to coordinate the installation, as there are some technical issues involved.





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190


From: Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 10:06:35 AM
To: eyaly
Cc: A. Rubinshtein; '
בהלקר שירי'
Subject: RE: NRCN LIBS


Dear Eyal,


It is good to have some news coming from IL.


Indeed, Covid-19 turbulence has been very strong and generator of deep uncertainty in many countries and personal situations.


In France, the situation has improved during summer but with autumn temperatures, there is a possible next wave expected (in a way, we follow your Covid-19 exposure and return of experience).


For sure, we need to install your TX 1000 before mid-December at the latest. When, at this stage, I would shoot mid/end of November (logistics and flights to handle). We can discuss this point when we will meet during your visit. Please receive my invitation to visit us @Accelair and if not doable, we will schedule a lunch/dinner/breakfast/coffee/drink accordingly to your agenda.


With my best regards,





De : eyaly <>
Envoyé : lundi 11 octobre 2021 20:53
À : Ronald Berger-Lefébure <>
Cc : A. Rubinshtein <>; 'בהלקר שירי' <>


Dear Ronald,


It has been a while since our last communication, and the turbulence of our daily routine due to COVID-19 was under estimated. 

I hope you and your family are well and safe.


Here, the 4th wave of the pandemic seems to relax and we are able to accept (on special occasions) foreigners, which are vaccinated.

Hence in order to complete the purchase of the LIBS would like to invite you (the technicians?) to IL for the period of time needed to install the LIBS.


Let us know if it works for you and if so, tentative dates

I am expected to be in France on the week of Nov. 8th with a tight schedule (which has not been determined yet).

Once I will get the lineup from the CEA guys, I will let you know (in case you wish to meet)






Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190