Date : 11/8/2019 3:04:51 PM
From :
To :
Subject : ESRF User Meeting 2020 - New deadline for Young Scientist Award nominations
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 Dear ESRF User,

On behalf of the User Organisation, we would like to inform you that the Young Scientist Award deadline for nominations has been changed to Tuesday 12 November midnight.

We remind you that the ESRF User Meeting 2020 will be the opportunity to reward a young scientist for his/her scientific work. The "2020 Young Scientist Award" carries a 1500 Euro prize money, as well as the production by a professional company of a short promotional video about the winner and his/her research. The winner will be awarded on Tuesday 4 February 2020, during the plenary session of the User Meeting.

We strongly encourage you to send us nominations for this award, which is a means to highlight the contribution of young scientists to science research and to encourage them in their scientific work.

Please note that the nominations are due by Tuesday 12 November 2019 and should be sent to:

Details of the selection criteria, how to submit a nomination, and the supporting material to be provided, can be consulted via the web page “Young Scientist Award: Call for Nominations".

Best regards,


ESRF Recruitment for 2020
The ESRF is now hiring scientific staff for its post-EBS activities. Around 60 scientists - postdoctoral fellows, scientists, PhD students - plus engineers and technicians will be hired in 2020. More information is available here.

Michela Brunelli
User Organisation Committee