Date : 11/28/2018 7:08:23 PM
From : "arnony"
To : ""
Subject : Fw: [EXTERNAL] Meeting at the Tel-Aviv workshop

From: eyaly
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 8:49 PM
To: Root, Seth; arnony
Cc: Flicker, Dawn G;;;
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Meeting at the Tel-Aviv workshop

Dear all, 

I'll inform on the meeting place, Sunday morning later this week, as the people from SNRC are helping me to set it up.

It will probably be at the hotel were our US colleagues are staying or at the hotel where the meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday will take place. 

I've cc'd Glen and Bob (LLNL) so they can join us.

At the afternoon we will have a session/meetings on AM collaboration with LLNL. 

All are invited to join, if plans have not made yet.


Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: Root, Seth <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 9:39:21 PM
To: arnony
Cc: Flicker, Dawn G; eyaly;
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Meeting at the Tel-Aviv workshop

Hello Arnon,


Yes, I am also looking forward to meeting with you and your fellow researchers in Tel Aviv.  We are planning to have  a morning meeting on Sunday the 9th, however, I think the location has yet to be determined.  If it is easier for your side logistically, I’m sure we could just meet at our hotel. We are staying at the Melody on Hayarkon Street.


I will be presenting some of the preliminary work we have done on the CaF2 and I will be happy to talk with you about it.  The list of topics looks good. I would add that we can discuss putting together a proposal for future Z experiments through the Z Fundamental Science program.  I am also open to discussing other topics of potential collaboration if you have other ideas.


Looking forward to meeting everyone in less than two weeks.







Seth Root

Sandia National Laboratories

Office: 505-284-1749

Mobile: 505-328-6322




From: arnony <>
Date: Sunday, November 25, 2018 at 1:05 PM
To: Seth Root <>
Cc: Dawn Flicker <>, eyaly <>, "" <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Meeting at the Tel-Aviv workshop


Dear Seth,

I look forward to the opportunity of meeting with you at the upcoming workshop in Tel Aviv.

As I understand the schedule, we will have the chance to sit down on Sunday (Dec 9th) morning for a couple of hours to discuss the CaF2 research. We'll be arriving with a small group of researchers from NRCN and SNRC who will be taking part in the research.

I hope to discuss our plans for the plate impact experiments we would like to get under way soon. It would be nice discussing and having your input on several topics:

- defining aim and expected benefits of this campaign

- the suggested regime for experiments

- our preliminary estimation for the accuracy expected in the experiments

- the planned experimental setup

- diagnostics (e.g. PDV vs VISAR)

- technical challenges


We would also be very happy to hear about the range of experiments you have already carried out (I understand you will be giving a full presentation on the subject on Wednesday) and see if we can update / finalize the proposal and Gantt for the joint research.


Wishing you a happy holiday season,

Arnon Yosef-Hai