Date : 11/22/2021 12:30:45 PM
From : "Arik Scarya"
To : "Gabi Bar-Nes"
Cc : "אמיתי גבאי" , "shai curiel" , ""
Subject : RE: Collision between the lifting device and drainage pipe in room 359 - DRAFT Letter to NRCN / Solution proposal and Claim ownership
Attachment : 21610_image001.jpg;21610_image002.png;21610_image003.png;21610_image004.png;21610_image005.png;21610_image006.png;21610_image007.png;21610_image008.png;

שלום רב


הטיעון לא רלבנטי , מייד כשראינו את ההתנגשות הזאת הרמנו דגל ליואכים!!!

הם בחרו להתעלם.

שימו לב :יש להביא בחשבון הפתרון קשור ל"בית אל" ולרועי אסף ....



אריק זכריה

מנהל פרויקטים

טל:08-6258300 (שלוחה 309),

נייד 052-4075577 ,





From: Gabi Bar-Nes <>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2021 1:56 PM
To: Arik Scarya <>
Cc: אמיתי גבאי <>; shai curiel <>
Subject: Fwd: Collision between the lifting device and drainage pipe in room 359 - DRAFT Letter to NRCN / Solution proposal and Claim ownership


היי אריק, 


ראה את המייל של חברת ניוקם.

לדבריהם, צינור הניקוז לא היה קיים בשרטוט של גירסא 31 וההתנגשות התגלתה רק בגירסא 33.


כפי הנראה אנחנו נמצא פיתרון בכך שנזיז את צינור הביוב למניעת ההתנגשות. אמיתי בוחן את האפשרות לבצע זאת.




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Svetlana Goncarova | NTES <>
Date: Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:02 PM
Subject: WG: Collision between the lifting device and drainage pipe in room 359 - DRAFT Letter to NRCN / Solution proposal and Claim ownership
To: Gabi Barnes <>, Shai Curiel <>
Cc: Gal Shekel <>, Felix Langer | NTES <>, Tobias Unfried | NTES <>, Joachim Amberg | NTES <>, NRCN Cementation | Gruppenpostfach <>, Timothée Gauthier | NTES <>


Dear Gabi,


We have carefully reviewed the evolution of the above mentioned collision issue and cannot confirm that NUKEM is the owner of the collision, here is the sequence of communication process:


  1. NUKEM has designed conveyor system in room 359 based on based on received building layout were no drainage pipe were shown.
  2. NUKEM received information regarding space limitation during VC from NRCN/Ludan in April 2021.
  3. NUKEM has reviewed the systems, realized the shortage of space, updated the system accordingly, and informed NRCN and Ludan about the changes performed (see E-Mail from Joachim Amberg sent on 30.04.2021)
  4. Verbal information regarding possible collision with a pipe in this area came from Ludan during VC in June/July 2021, but nor written confirmation from NRCN or respective Layout updates have been submitted.
  5. From NUKEM point of view it is easiest way, cheaper solution and a common practice to reroute the pipeline than to move or redesign the principle equipment.
  6. In the Layout Rev.31 there were no collisions with this pipeline visible.
  7. The collision (and the pipeline) firstly appear in the Layout Rev.33.

Thus NUKEM is in the opinion that the collision shall be either solved on site by rerouting the pipeline, or in case if NUKEM shall integrate the technical solution to eliminate the collision, the costs shall be reimbursed by NRCN.


Please find attached the three alternatives how the collision can be solved, as discussed during our last VCs.

However, NUKEM consider the solution No.3 as not applicable since it has a significant impact to the critical path and the most complexed technical solution.


The solution to shortage the conveyor supports proposed by Ludan/NRCN during VC on 16.11.2021 and repeatedly discussed today is absolutely unacceptable and associated with high risks of equipment malfunction.


Please review the issue and provide us with your decision or statements latest until 24.11.2021.

Freundliche Grüße | Kind regards | С уважением
Svetlana Goncarova

Head of Claims Management

+49 6023 91 1640 | M +49 151 58761597

NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH | Industriestr. 13 | 63755 Alzenau | Germany
Management Board: Thomas Seipolt, Sergey Molodtsov | Commercial Register: Aschaffenburg | HRB No. 12677

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