Date : 9/17/2021 11:39:04 AM
From : "Current Applied Polymer Science"
To :
Subject : Collaborate in a hot journal of Applied Polymer Science

Current Applied Polymer Science


17 September 2021

Dr. NU Navi

Nucl Res Ctr Negev NRCN

POB 9001

IL-84190 Beer Sheva




Dear Dr. Navi,


Current Applied Polymer Science is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes reviews, original research articles and thematic issues on polymer science. The scope covers all aspects of polymer science and technology emphasizing biomedical and biodegradable polymers, membranes, energy conversion and storage, conducting polymers.


Guest Editors may solicit and organize the complete thematic issue themselves or receive editorial support from the Publishers. The peer review process will be carried out by the publisher.


Special Offers:


·                    Quick processing and publication of the submitted papers.

·                    No page charges will be levied to authors for the publication of their article.

·                    Quick processing and publication of the submitted papers at certain charges.

·                    The Guest Editor receives a free copy of the printed issue and free online subscription to any three selected Bentham journals.

·                    The corresponding authors will receive a complimentary one-year online subscription to the journal’s volume in which their article is published.

·                    30% discount on the single-issue cost to authors on the purchase of issue(s) in which their article is published.

·                    Multiple issue copies at discounted rates.

·                    Complete editorial support to the Guest Editors of thematic issues, such as arrangement of peer reviewing of submitted articles, announcing the forthcoming thematic issues on the websites to attract submissions, etc.


Submission of an article or abstract may be undertaken through our online system or via email. All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed prior to a possible decision on acceptance for publication.


Proposals for a thematic issue in an important field of current interest should ideally be submitted online but can also be sent by return email, outlining the title of the theme issue, significance of the selected theme along with the list of names and affiliations of contributing authors, titles of the articles as well as the date of submission of the complete issue.


In addition to this, you may also contribute a brief Editorial (not more than 1,000 words with 10-15 references, inclusion of abstract is optional), commentary (not more than 3,000 words including main text, references and figure legends, inclusion of abstract is optional), or perspective  (not more than 1,800 words with 20 or more references excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables, etc., inclusion of abstract is optional), on an important topic relevant to the Journal’s scope in the upcoming issue of the Journal. These will be published as Open Access, without any charge, which will help to disseminate them to a wider audience, and hence increase their chances to get good citations.


We look forward to receiving your interest in article or thematic issue publication.




Mrs. Nuzhat Gul

Editorial Manager

Current Applied Polymer Science (CAPS)


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