Date : 10/22/2018 1:43:08 PM
From : "King, Wayne E."
To : "Those who are interested in LLNL AM reus"
Subject : Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Modeling Applications in Material and Part Qualification





I occasionally send out information of interest to the Additive Manufacturing research community.  If you want to be taken off the list, please click the appropriate link at the bottom of this email.




From Kyle Johnson.


My colleague Theron Rodgers and I are organizing a minisymposium titled "Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Modeling Applications in Material and Part Qualification" at the 2019 Finite Elements in Fluids (FEF) conference organized by the United States Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM). The 2019 FEF Conference will be held from March 31-April 3 2019 at The Palmer House hotel in Chicago, IL USA.

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our minisymposium based on your recent research in the field.  Abstract submission is open at until November 15, 2018. When submitting, please select Minisymposium 307.

This  minisymposium will focus on recent and current research findings on topics that include, but not are limited to:

•              Residual Stress Evolution and Control

•              Defect Prediction

•              As-built Material and Part Performance

•              Microstructure Prediction and Optimization

•              Reduced Order Models for Efficient Part-Scale Simulation

Please forward this invitation to others whose work would be a strong contribution to the program. Please note that we are unable to waive registration fees or reimburse expenses for minisymposium speakers.

We hope to see you next year in Chicago.



Kyle L. Johnson, Ph.D.

Component Science and Mechanics Department

Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque

(505) 284-0638

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