Date : 8/5/2021 9:34:38 AM
From : "Snowy Liang"
To : "Vitaly Paris"
Subject : Invite you to be a Speaker/Chair at WFMF-2022

World Functional Material Frontiers

October 19-21, 2022

Seoul, South Korea 


Dear Dr. Vitaly Paris


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of World Functional Material Frontiers (WFMF-2022), which will be held in Seoul, South Korea during October 19-21, 2022, we sincerely invite you to this excellent meeting and present a speech on Study of flow stress and spall strength of additively manufactured Ti-6-4 alloy with great scientists from worldwide and sharing new achievements in Materials World.


The fruitful conference program includes plenary lectures, breakout sessions, panel discussion, poster and exhibition showcase on a variety of topics and various programs for participants from different countries around the world. The conference topic will include: Energy and Environmental Materials, Advanced Materials, Structural Materials, Optical, Electronic and Magnetic Materials, Materials Science and Technology and so on.


Seoul is the capital of the South Korea, the 10th largest city in the world, the largest castle city in the Korean Peninsula, and one of the major financial cities in Asia; it is also the centers of Politics, Economy, Science and Technology, Education and Culture. Seoul is located in the Han River Basin in the northwest of South Korea, in the middle of the Korean Peninsula; It belongs to temperate monsoon climate, and famous scenic spots are Jingfu palace and Changde palace.


As our respected and important speaker, any suggestion on the conference program will be highly appreciated! Hope you can join us in Seoul!


Sincerely Yours


Ms. Snowy Liang

Organizing Committee
