Date : 3/2/2022 7:00:47 PM
From : "Star Publishing Services"
To : "Vitalyp"
Subject : Increase Your Manuscript's Chance of Publication with SPS
Attachment : image001.jpg;


Dear Dr. Paris,


At Star Publishing Services, we offer impeccable quality provided by editors with years of experience in research and scientific editing. Collaborate with us and enhance the quality of your manuscript.



Introducing: Scientific Package

The Scientific Package is designed to offer an excellent level of scientific editing and a full range of pre-submission manuscript preparation services to support authors who are looking to submit their work to high-impact peer-reviewed international journals. The manuscript goes through a rigorous quality check by expert Editors/Reviewers who provide recommendations to ensure the highest quality and subject matter accuracy of the research.



Features covered:

  • Content review by peer reviewers for top journals includes recommendations for improvements

  • Spelling, punctuation, and grammar

  • Sentence structure and terminology check

  • Presentation check (logic, clarity, and flow)

  • Content rephrasing

  • Style and consistency

  • Reference check

  • Journal selection

  • Journal-specific formatting based on advice from experts with journal peer review experience

  • Figure formatting

  • Plagiarism check report

  • Q&A with your editor

  • Additional rounds of editing


Have you tried the “Premium Editing” service?


Our experts’ mastery of the English language and their abundant experience editing journal articles will help researchers eliminate language barriers and see their work recognized and published in prestigious journals worldwide. This service covers sentence structure and terminology check, reference check and journal-specific formatting. More information at

For information about all our services and the pricing plans, please take a look at You can also request a free quotation at

Make sure to register on our website at to get the latest updates and offers.

Rana Khaled
Email Marketing Team Leader
