Date : 11/9/2018 10:24:57 PM
From : "Flicker, Dawn G"
To : "eyaly"
Cc : "arnony" , "Root, Seth" , "Specht, Paul Elliott" , "Gaudioso, Jennifer M" , "vitalyp" , ""
Subject : Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop
 Dear Eyal,  That sounds fantastic. I’ll get in touch with Glen early next week. Do you have suggestions for Sunday afternoon?  Seth and Paul have not been to Jerusalem so we may try to go if there is time. We would also be interested in seeing your dynamic material facilities. Dawn

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2018, at 1:11 PM, eyaly <> wrote:

Dear Dawn, 

I confirm having a meeting on Sunday morning. We suggest the following agenda:

- Caf2 - Complete the proposal (required by HLSC) and set a specific workplan. 

- Dynamic response of porous samples - An update by Vitaly Paris (NRCN) and formulate a detailed proposal 

The location of the meeting is to be defined. 

Arnon, Seth and Vitaly -  please comment/add/delete items from the above plan.

Eli, please forward the message to the SNRC PI that participate in this project.

Dawn and Seth, what are your plans for Sunday afternoon? 



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: Flicker, Dawn G <>
Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2018 7:03:49 PM
To: eyaly; arnony; Root, Seth
Cc: Specht, Paul Elliott; Gaudioso, Jennifer M
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop

Dear Eyal –

   We planned our travel to meet with you on Sunday and feel that some small-group discussions would help advance the collaborations we have identified.  Our preference would be to hold discussions with a few people on CaF2 and porous samples first thing in the morning and then do some sight-seeing in the afternoon and evening.  Is that possible?



From: eyaly []
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:46 PM
To: Flicker, Dawn G <>; arnony <>; Root, Seth <>
Cc: Specht, Paul Elliott <>; Gaudioso, Jennifer M <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop


Dear Dawn and Seth, 


Mark Herman and Moshe Frenkel, distributed a draft agenda of the workshop, and the Caf2 topic is included in it (Wednesday afternoon). 

Additional topics in material science, are AM (LLNL, LANL) and dynamic properties of porous samples. 


It is not clear that there is enough topics to fill in an entire day. Hence, I suggest:

- Arnon and Seth can communicate directly to coordinate Seth's presentation.  During the HEDP meeting we can complete the proposal (I think was sent to you in the past - Arnon, please send it again to Seth)

- Pending on availability of Bob Maxwell on Sunday afternoon, we will have a side meeting on AM.

- The topic of porous samples was not progressed as I anticipated.


Therefore, I think we will not have an organized meeting on Sunday (Dec 9th). 

I appreciate your comments.




Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva, 
Israel, 84190

From: Flicker, Dawn G <>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 7:43:49 PM
To: eyaly; arnony
Cc: Root, Seth; Specht, Paul Elliott; Gaudioso, Jennifer M
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop


Eyal -  Any news on the Sunday meeting?  Is there an agenda? Shall we have a teleconference this month to prepare? It would be helpful for Arnon and Seth to finalize and format the proposal.  Dawn


From: Flicker, Dawn G
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2018 2:55 PM
Cc: Root, Seth <>; Specht, Paul Elliott <>; Gaudioso, Jennifer M <>
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop



Hello Eyal –


Seth, Paul and I are planning to attend the Sunday materials session as well as the HED workshop.  We would like to use the Sunday meetings for detailed discussions and planning.  We suggest that developing  a regular Skype, FaceTime, or phone meeting so that the PIs can begin discussing the details of the collaboration and the results.


We think there was some confusion on our part. For the CaF2 collaboration, we have the initial proposal outline, which is attached to the email. We thought we needed to submit an official collaboration memo using a specific template to our respective headquarters.  Seth had thought that Arnon Yosef-Hai would be preparing the CaF2 proposal draft using the template, but he never received an email from Arnon.  (Of course, it is possible that Arnon sent the email and Sandia’s firewall blocked it.)  Is the attached proposal outline what you were referring to in your email below?  If the attached is the proposal draft, we can definitely reformat it into a more official proposal to send out. 


That is good news that IAEC has made some progress on the CaF2 work. CaF2 is still of great interest to us and we have made progress as well.  We are very interested in seeing the results from IAEC as well as sharing some of our preliminary results on the shockless compression of CaF2.  


For the dynamics of materials with inclusions/pores, we have not yet performed any work. However, we think that proposal still needed further refinement and was not as detailed as the CaF2 project. Sunday 12/9 would be an excellent opportunity to work out and document the details.  We would  also like to establish a communication schedule for the pores project.


Will the materials session be at the hotel or Soreq?  We would be very interested in touring your gas gun and other material characterization laboratories.


 Let us continue discussing the agenda for Sunday.  We are looking forward to seeing you soon.






From: Eyal Yahel []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 1:27 PM
To: Flicker, Dawn G <>
Cc:; Root, Seth <>; Specht, Paul Elliott <>; Elazar Sarid <>
Subject: Re: FW: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop


Hi Dawn, 


We made some progress on both topics (CaF2 and pores materials) having limited resources by the IAEC and will benefit from one day session on materials.

We will also have the LLNL guys on AM.

Currently we do not have better ideas other than those proposed. Do you have any new directions we can share with us?


I was under the impression that you will join the HEDP workshop and we take advantage of this workshop and have a side meeting on Sunday. 

If you think differently, please let me know. Then, we shall meet at the SCCM in Portland.


Regarding the proposal we owe to the agencies, I was under the impression that the draft we sent you earlier this year, needed your input.

Otherwise it can be submitted. 

Could you check this out?





On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 2:02 AM Flicker, Dawn G <> wrote:

Hello Eyal,


Thank you for your response.


We were wondering if you have resources to pursue the topics discussed in February in the immediate future?   In May/June you said you would take the lead in drafting a  proposal to submit to our respective agencies. Are you ready to share a draft?  Have you pursued any work in advance of the proposal?  Are there other topics that would be more interesting or easier to support?


We are also wondering about proposed IAEC presentations during the 12/9 materials meeting.  Do you have work or plans on CaF2 or pore collapse under dynamic loads?

We don’t have work to present on the second topic. 


The collaborations have not advanced significantly since February.  As I noted, we are willing to try to travel in December to advance active projects but are not certain about the value  of the two mentioned.  We were already past our deadline for submitting travel when I emailed you last week, so we will have to see if it will still be possible.





From: Eyal Yahel []
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 12:47 PM
To: Flicker, Dawn G <>
Cc:; Root, Seth <>; Specht, Paul Elliott <>;; Elazar Sarid <>; Fox, Glenn (External Contacts) <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: HED workshop


Dear Dawn, 


The meeting in Dec is a great opportunity for us to strengthen the collaboration.

Following the preferences of Glenn, Bob Maxwell (LLNL) and you, we tentatively set Sunday Dec 9th to discuss topics related to materials science:

- CaF2 (SNL)

- Pores sample under dynamic load (SNL)

- Additive manufacturing projects (LLNL's group)

- Dynamic experiments of DAC preloaded samples (Ray Smith, LLNL)

To construct an outline for the meeting, please let me know what the US partners would like to present.


I guess some foxes will be at the SCCM (Portland, June 2018) but it is too early to know. 


Best Wishes, 




On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 4:36 PM Flicker, Dawn G <> wrote:

Eyal –

   Could you give us any information about your team’s status or plans for either the CaF2 project or the proposed project to study the influence of inclusions and pores on the dynamic response of materials?  We are interested in attending the workshop if it will advance collaborations that are of mutual interest and likely to be active.


   We haven’t heard more about the add-on day for materials and are already a little past the deadline for submitting travel.  If this does not look like the best time to discuss these topics, perhaps we can plan on a side session at the SCCM next summer.  Will you send a contingent again?





Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190



Eyal Yahel, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, NRCN
P.O.Box 9001 Beer-Sheva,
Israel, 84190