Date : 12/3/2019 7:08:56 PM
From : "vitalyp"
To : "Specht, Paul Elliott"
Subject : Re: [EXTERNAL] AM project udate

Hey Paul,

It seems that the package is already in Alburquerque, and the scheduled delivery estimated time is 10:30 Wednesday 04/12.

Regarding the phone call, 18th and 19th as a backup is fine. If something changes, I will inform you immediately.

Usually I am coming home at 5:30 PM. Any way, it will be easier for me to have a talk at home. 

In order to be on a sure side I will prefer to start a call at 8-8:30 PM (11-11:30 AM your time), after my smaller son went to a bed. 

Do you use either Whatsapp or Skype? 


From: Specht, Paul Elliott <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 6:40:59 PM
To: vitalyp
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] AM project udate

Hey Vitaly,


Sorry for the delay.  We had a national holiday at the end of last week, so I was spending time with the family. 


I got the tracking info for the heat treated samples.  Thank you for sending those along.


For the phone call, 10-12 AM my time, 7-9 PM you time will work.  I am also willing to get in the office early, 7-9 AM my time, 5-6 your time, if that works for you.  I don’t want to cut into your family time if we don’t have too.   Next week has suddenly become busy.  How do you feel about the week of the 16th?   I am currently free/can move my meetings any day that week in both time frames.    Maybe just plan for the 18th with the 19th as a backup?






From: vitalyp <>
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2019 11:26 AM
To: Specht, Paul Elliott <>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] AM project udate


Hey Paul,


I am fine, also busy at work but it's seems to be a permanent state.


I also think it is a good idea to talk about the resuts and future work. You can chose a date in mid December (may be two dates so we can choose one). Since there is 9 hours difference, it will be convinient to me to talk at home at about 7 - 9 PM (it is 10 -12 AM in New Mexico).  Is it OK for you?


I have eventually shipped the heat treated samples via UPS to the address you provided . There are 4 samples for each HT tempeature, 12 in total. 


Best regards,



From: Specht, Paul Elliott <>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 7:41:44 PM
To: vitalyp
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] AM project udate


Hey Vitaly,


It has been a while.  Sorry about the delay in my response.  I have an experiment coming up that is consuming most of my attention.  Not in a fun way, but in a lot of paperwork to compete way. 


I’m doing well.  Enjoying work and fatherhood.  How are you doing?


I have passed off some of the samples you gave me in June to our materials scientists for characterization.  They have not made as much progress as your material scientist has.    We also had a work stoppage on our gun facility that has slowed our experimental progress.  I apologize for those delays.  Sadly, I do not have any exciting results to pass along to you yet.  I appreciate you sending along your results.  They are very interesting.  I am very surprised at how subtle the change in grain size was with heat treatment.  Also that it maintained a vary columnar shape.  I would have thought it would have become more equiaxed.  I have no doubt the post-mortem analysis will be very interesting as well.    


I think scheduling time to talk over the results and refine our path forward is a great idea.    We had talked about Sandia doing two-stage shots, but in light of you results it may make sense to move to our single stage guns.  We can even use both if we want.  It depends on what physics we are looking to explore.  Maybe we can schedule a time in mid-December to talk (that experiment that is taking most of my attention is in early December)?   I’m happy to set something up if you like.  I’m also willing to let you take the lead on that. .


For the heat treated samples, you can send them to the following address.


Paul Specht

Sandia National Laboratories

PO Box 5800

Mail Stop 1189

Albuquerque, NM 87185-1189



Thanks for reaching out and sending along these results.




From: vitalyp <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 12:10 PM
To: Specht, Paul Elliott <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] AM project udate


Hey Paul,



We haven't been in contact for a long time.  How do you do?


We did some additional experimens and importantly, carried out microstructural studies of the AM and 


HT samples. The latter part took much more time than expected. Since Shmuel (materials scientist) has 


joined this project to lead the manufacturing and microstructural issues, things run smoother.


I have attached slides describing our results so far. Microstructural results are described qualitatively meanwhile, 


quantitative analysis will be done later. We can discuss the results obtained so far and how to progress towards 


some publication. What experiments can be done with these samples at Sandia?



In parallel, we plan to order few small batches of AM aluminum alloy made with different sets of processing 


parameters which should lead to various levels of porosity. 



Please provide mail address for delivery, so I can send you the heat treated samples.



