Date : 2/19/2019 12:35:39 PM
From : "vitalyp"
To : "Specht, Paul Elliott"
Subject : Re: Draft White Paper
Attachment : White_Paper_V2.docx;

Hey Paul,

I hope you enjoyed your vacation. I took the advantage of you being out of office to do some discussions on details of white paper with my colleagues, and particularly with Eithan Tiferet.

The white paper is written very well and I have only few corrections and questions.

In section 2.2.2 I propose to omit the number of experiments, I assume you are talking here about general plan. The number for 2019 may be mentioned in section 3.

Section 2.2.3: in the original JC damage model the damage depends on triaxiality, strain rate and temperature. Do you mean by rate-independent that you omitting the strain rate dependence from the model? Can you elaborate a little on the mesoscale hydro code simulations, or to send a reference if you have? I assume, that in order to properly model the experiments the strength model would be needed in addition to the damage model.

Successfully oriented, we will concentrate in next few months on evaluating parameters of Al10SiMg (SLM processing, HIP, HT, microstructure/porosity evaluation) and machining samples for gun experiments. After going into details of the work required for the first half of 2019, it is more reasonable to write end of August in section 3. Accordingly, it could take more time to complete the deliverables for the second half of 2019. So I propose to change calendar year to 1st year of collaboration/study.

We don't have in house mirco-CT facility, and we currently checking two possible options to do it in Israel. Is it possible that you can check for possible alternatives in US. Resolution of 5 micron or less should be good. To best of my knowledge, the resolution of the facility at LANSCE (FP5) is about 50 micron, out of options.

Paul, please provide the geometry of the samples for dynamic experiments. In the first AM run we intend to build 25 by 25 mm square cross section and 100 mm high rods.   

We would like to perform few preliminary gas gun experiments as soon as it will be possible to get some insight on the effect on dynamic properties before we have to decide on material for the study.



From: Specht, Paul Elliott <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2019 5:40:58 PM
To: vitalyp
Subject: Draft White Paper

Hey Vitaly,


I have a draft white paper.  It took a few more days then I had hoped.  Sorry for the delay.  I hope it is a decent start. 


A few things.  I tried to provide some motivation and background for the work.  Feel free to add, subtract, or correct any of that.  I also tried to write the work plan in a way to clearly define the tasks for each lab.  I felt that sort of tone made sense.  However, I don’t want you to think I’m dictating the work that needs to be done and by who.  Feel free to suggest other tasks, clarify tasks, or switch who does the task.  I see this as being a discussion over the next few weeks as we finalize this.  This is just a starting point for that discussion. 


Lastly, I will be out on vacation starting Friday returning on the 18th.   I won’t have access to email.  I will be here until then to talk.  I will also respond when I return.    


~ Paul Specht

Sandia National Laboratories

Albuquerque, NM 87185-1189

Dynamic Material Properties

Org. 1646, MS 1189

(505) 844 -8260