Dear Presenters,
As I got back several emails with more different questions regarding to the pre-recording and format of the oral/poster presentations at the Technical Meeting on Nuclear Forensics, I would like to clarify the situation and give you more,
hopefully clear information:
- Both, oral and poster presentations are
required to be pre-recorded from all the participants who will join virtually to the event. In this case it is
- Oral presentations cannot be longer than
maximum 12 minutes!
- Poster format: a 2-3 slides, maximum
3-4 minutes “mini-presentation”, should also be pre-recorded and sent for us!
- Deadline for sending:
1st of April!
- We require
Power Point format as it is written in the guideline and the pre-recording should also happen in Power Point. NO ANY TEMPLATE for the presentations is requested. You can use your own institutional template. In the guideline we just used the IAEA template
as example, in order to instruct the recording.
- Normally, it does not make sense to record any presentations from presenters who will travel to Vienna and will participate in person at the event. However, as the COVID situation
and travel restrictions are continuously changing and there is a chance for need to turn the Technical Meeting to a fully virtual event, it would be better for us to get
all the presentations in a pre-recorded format before the event, if possible.
- For any case:
we request from all the presenters who will travel to Vienna to send us the presentation slides in Power Point format (if it is not recorded for any technical reasons) before the event, until 5th of April! We should test all the presentations
in WebEx on Friday 8th of April.
- Further information: in order to the fact we will have virtual connection to the event, we kindly request our presenters
to avoid to integrate small videos, or complicated animations into the ppt files. These can slow down the full WebEx system, or often not working. If you want to show any videos, it should be sent for us separately.
- In the excel sheet with the agenda and Technical Sessions sent by me, only the presenter and his/her institution is highlighted. The
fixed agenda and Technical Sessions will be posted at the IAEA website soon, with all the co-authors of the abstracts. If you can find discrepancies in the person of the presenter in the excel sheet and/or somebody else will present your abstract for
any reason, please, let me know asap. Information for the Technical Sessions were collected from the abstracts submitted through the INDICO system (pdf versions were downloaded from INDICO).
- For your information:
the full event will be recorded and sessions will be available by night (CET). If any of our presenters is not happy with sharing his/her presentation in this recorded but secured format, please, also let me know!
- This email was sent out not only for the presenters in the Technical Sessions but also for Keynote Speakers and experts in the Panel Discussions in order to have information on the
program. Panel discussions are under preparation. We will send out the specific questions of the panels to the panel members separately, soon.
If you have any further questions, please, let me know!
Thank you all for your interest and support to the Technical Meeting!
Looking forward to meeting with all of you in person or virtually in mid-April!
Best wishes, Eva
Ms Eva SZELES |Unit Head|
Crime Scene Management and Nuclear Forensic Science |
Materials Out of Regulatory Control Section | Division of Nuclear Security| Department of Nuclear Safety and Security|
International Atomic Energy Agency
|Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria|
Room B0575
|T: (+43-1) 2600-26248 |M: (+36) 303183048 and (+43) 69916526248
|F: (+43-1) 2600-29299|
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