Date : 8/26/2019 3:28:17 PM
From : "Submission Support"
To :
Subject : Re: Journal Recommendations for Improving the properties of gold nanoparticle based sensors through mixed-ligand shells

Dear Dr. Offer Zeiri,

My name is Anuja Kulkarni, and I am a Submission Editor at Springer Nature. I help authors to find the most suitable journal for their manuscript and to get their work published.

Having looked closely at your manuscript, I think it is worth considering the journals below.

To submit to one of these journals, please reply to this email with your preferred journal within a week and I can help you with your submission (in most cases by automatically transferring your manuscript files and metadata to your journal of choice).

1. Scientific Reports (Impact factor: 4.011, Open Access)
I recommend that you consider Scientific Reports as it is a multi-disciplinary, open-access journal which accepts scientifically valid and technically sound original research. Around 80% of submitted papers are sent to peer review and submission to acceptance for papers accepted after one revision round is 122 days. For additional journal metrics (for example Immediacy index / Eigenfactor ® score / Article influence score), please see

2. SN Applied Sciences (Impact factor: N/A, Open Choice)
I recommend that you consider SN Applied Sciences, as it is an interdisciplinary journal with a scope that includes Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Material Science and Physics. SN Applied Sciences publishes quality, scientifically valid, original research papers and strives for rapid review and publication. There are no submission costs.

Since your paper is about improvement of gold nanoparticle sensors using mixed-ligand shells, this journal would be a great fit for your paper, and I know that Nastaran Ranjbar Sahraie and Elisa Collado Fregoso, Managing Editors of the Chemistry, Materials, and Physics sections for SN Applied Science, are keen to receive submissions that focus on that area. See also an interview with them here:

As with any new journal, full indexing takes some time, however the journal is already abstracted/indexed in Google Scholar, CNKI, EBSCO Discovery Service, and in OCLC, and it will apply for further indexing in 2019.

3. Gold Bulletin (Impact factor: 2.279, Open Choice)
I would recommend submitting to this journal because it welcomes submissions that focus on science, technology and applications of gold, therefore making it a great fit for your paper.

4. Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Impact factor: 2.009, Open Choice)
I believe this is a great fit for your manuscript as the journal has published other similar papers, including "Gold nanoparticles protected by mixed hydrogenated/fluorinated monolayers: controlling and exploring the surface features".

For more information on the journals, simply click on the link and go to the Aims and Scope.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please email me.

With kind regards,
Anuja Kulkarni
Submission Editor