Date : 4/21/2020 2:38:48 PM
From : "Chad A Mirkin"
To : "Offer Zeiri"
Subject : Re: Review suggestion for “small”
Attachment : pastedImage.png;

I am not the Editor.  CM

From: Offer Zeiri <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 4:12 AM
To: Chad A Mirkin
Subject: Review suggestion for “small”

April 21st, 2020

Professor Mirkin

Editor, Small

Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology and the George B. Rathmann Prof. of Chemistry

Prof. of Materials Science & Engineering

Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois, USA

Dear Prof. Mirkin,

We are inquiring about submitting a review on sensor applications of mixed-ligand monolayer protected metallic nanoparticles to small. Please find attached below a short outline of the review entitled “Metallic nanoparticle based sensing: utilization of mixed-ligand monolayers” by N Shadmi and O Zeiri. This interesting subject has never been reviewed before. The review will introduce mixed-ligand monolayer protected nanoparticles, discuss the different types of mixed-ligand monolayers used for sensing in published works, and address future challenges in this field. The subject of mixed-ligand monolayer protected nanoparticles is of great interest, and its application in the field of sensors could be of interest to the broad readership of small, including researchers in the fields of nanotechnology, material science, analytical chemistry and biochemistry.

Please feel free to contact me if any additional information is required.

Yours sincerely,

Offer Zeiri

+972 (0)8-6568646

Nuclear Research Center Negev

POB 9001, Beer-Sheva, 84190, Israel



Review outline:

Metallic nanoparticle based sensing: utilization of mixed-ligand monolayers

The last 15 years have seen great advancement in the fundamental understanding, as well as in the applications, of metallic nanoparticles stabilized by mixed-ligand monolayers. Identifying and controlling the organization of ligands in the monolayer has been studied, and its effect on particle properties examined. Mixed-ligand protected particles have shown advantages over mono-ligand protected particles in fields such as catalysis, photonics and drug delivery. These advantages may be attributed to design flexibility, and effects of ligand conformation. In the field of metallic nanoparticle-based sensors, the use of mixed-ligand monolayer provides a powerful tool for improvement and innovation.
This review provides the first comprehensive look at mixed-ligand nanoparticle sensors. The use of mixed-ligand monolayer protected nanoparticles for sensing applications will be examined both from individual works as well as from a bird’s eye view. Mixed-ligand nanoparticle-based sensors will be divided into five groups, and each will be discussed. In the first group, one of the ligands controls analyte recognition and the other controls signal production. The second group combines a sensing ligand with a bonding ligand, the latter used for attaching the nanoparticle to a sensing platform. In the third group a sensitive, but unstable, functional ligand is combined with a stabilizing ligand. The fourth group utilizes multiple ligands for sensing multiple analytes. The final, and most common group, consists of ligands that all take part in analyte recognition, working in a synergistic manner. The review will conclude by going over future challenges, and potential research directions for this field.


A preliminary scheme: