Dear Veronica,
thank you so much!!
All the best during this difficult period!
Best regards
Dear all,
some of you probably know it, but in any event I want to inform you that due to the coronavirus crisis, the deadline for proposals submission to COST has been extended for 6 months.
We will try once more when possible.
Stay healthy!
On 27/10/2019 17:23, M.Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano wrote:
Incredible (momentarily bad) News: The COST Action Proposal OC-2019-1-24098 Energy Oxides - Understanding Functionality in Emerging Technology has been successfully submitted Dear all,
the submitted ENOX project has been declared non-eligible because it has to be anonymous, and they say that one sentence (copied in their original mail below), which had already been there in all previous attempts in which the project was sent for review, makes us not anonymous enough.
This is incredible, and I am very sorry for this.
The idea is to remove the sentence and resubmit the next possible time (deadline 29 April 2020).
Very sorry indeed!
M. Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano
Dear Dr Maria Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano,
We inform you that the Proposal OC-2019-1-24098 - Energy Oxides - Understanding Functionality in Emerging Technology has been declared non-eligible and can no longer be considered in the evaluation and selection process.
This decision was taken with the following justification:
According to COST Implementation Rules and related documents in force for the Open Call OC-2019-1: i.e.
- the CSO document COST 132/14 REV 6 “Rules for Participation in and Implementation of COST Activities”,
- the CSO document 133/14 REV 4 “COST Action Proposal Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval”, Section 5, and
- the COST Open Call Guidelines, Section 3.2 and 3.3
To be eligible, a proposal for a COST Action shall:
“Be anonymous. In order to comply with the double-blind principle of the evaluation:
Proposals may not contain any direct or indirect reference to people and/or institutions participating in the Network of Proposers (be they Main or Secondary Proposers). This means that proposers and/or institutions’ names should neither be explicitly mentioned, nor be potentially identifiable through links to web pages or through references to their role and/or participation in existing or ended projects, grants, networks.”
Based on the above, the COST Association has declared your proposal non-eligible, on the basis of the non-fulfilment of the anonymity criterion. The reason is that the text of proposal contains an indirect reference to the institutions participating in the Network of Proposers. Please see page 8 of the Technical Annex, Section 2.1.1:
"Examples included EU Projects, such as “Advanced Materials for Batteries”, “An Artificial Leaf: A Photoelectrocatalytic Cell from Earth-Abundant Materials for Sustainable Solar Production of CO2-based
Chemicals and Fuels”, “Na-Ion battery demonstration for electrical storage”, and the “Photovoltaics” research in the European Graphene Flagship. There are excellent national programs in nearly all EU member countries, such as the “Clean, Sustainable and Secure Energy” focus in the “National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research on Innovation” in Spain, a “New Energy Academy Program” in Finland, an “Innovative materials and efficient technologies for renewable energy” program in Italy, the “Materials engineering towards Innovative Solar Cells” project in the Czech Republic, the collaborative research centre “Functional Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces“ in Austria, the project on “Intelligent materials based on functional surfaces” in Hungary, or the Collaborative Research Centres “Atomic Scale Control of Energy Conversion” and “Kopernikus Projects” in Germany, and many others. The budget of these examples exceeds a total of 100 Mio EUR. All listed projects rely on the development of energy materials, with oxides playing a key role. With many ENOX partners involved in these projects, ENOX will provide a natural networking platform by sharing data, new methodologies, equipment, and training researchers..”
This decision is valid also in potential cases that non-eligibility was not spotted in previous submissions.
We thank you for your interest and submission of a proposal to the COST Open Call. We encourage you to submit, in a future Open Call, the proposal conforming to the COST eligibility criteria.
With kind regards,
COST Association
Avenue Louise 149
1050 Brussels | Belgium |
Best regards,
COST Association