RE: Manuscript Submission Editor Assignment
Journal: Chemistry of Materials
Manuscript ID: cm-2018-03894a.R1
Title: "The effect of U content on the activation of H2O on Ce1-xUxO2+δ surfaces"
Author(s): Shelly, Lee; Schweke, Danielle; Zalkind, Shimon; Shamir, Noah; Barzilai, Shmuel; Gouder, Thomas; Hayun, Shmuel
Dear Dr. Schweke:
Your manuscript revision cm-2018-03894a.R1 entitled "The effect of U content on the activation of H2O on Ce1-xUxO2+δ surfaces" has been received in the assigned editor's office:
Ferdi Schueth
Chemistry of Materials
Phone: +49-208 306 2372/73
Fax: +49-208 306 2995
Email: chemmater@mpi-muelheim.mpg.de
Please continue to address all future correspondence regarding this manuscript to the above editor.
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Chemistry of Materials Editorial Office
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